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最后一滴泪水在眼角中挥散不去。The last drop of tears in the brandish in canthus scattered not to go.

海胆在海峡群岛附近的海底挥舞着它们的棘突。Sea urchins brandish their spines on the seafloor near the Channel Islands.

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无名跑到门外,脱下外衣,迎风挥舞。Unknown run to the outside of the door, take off jacket, brandish aweather.

所以,微软最终的屠刀必须向谷歌挥去。So, the butcher's knife with final Microsoft must go to cereal song brandish.

一口茶和一砚墨,挥洒的笔,留在纸上的线条,是你游离的思绪。A cup of tea and a inkstone ink, brandish pen on paper, the line, you are free.

这或许也是张朝阳决定挥动“手术刀”的原因之一。This also is Zhang Chaoyang decides to brandish probably one of reasons of " scalpel ".

在那里,小说家已故的前妻却成了这个年轻女人挥之不去的困扰。Over, the ex-wife with late fictionist became the does not go worry of this damsel brandish however.

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梦想是种子,我们便可挥舞着犀利的羽翼在人生这片沃土上播种着春天的希望。Dream is the seed, we can brandish sharp wings in the fertile life on planting the promise of spring.

看到雪花翩翩地在半空中潇洒,我听得到她舞动的声音,我看得见她那翼动的眼神。Looking the snow dancing in the air, I could hear the sound of her brandish wave and see her move stare.

要成为一个勇敢的心你不必骑马和挥舞一个崭新的剑来吓唬敌人。To be a brave heart you don't have to ride a horse and brandish a gleaming sword to frighten the adversary.

威斯康辛州密尔瓦基市的印第安社区学校里,学生们在奉献仪式上挥舞着鼓槌。Students at the Indian Community School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, brandish drum beaters at a dedication ceremony.

看见你,是在装了满包鲜红的柿子,挥别那个温暖的小屋和亲人的山路上。See you, is in the bag with full bright red persimmon, brandish don't the warm room and relatives of the mountains.

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就在这个夜晚林平之为了父母的大仇挥刀自宫,发誓要余沧海和他一样绝子绝孙。At this night Lin Pingzhi electrocuting brandish knife from palace to parents, vowed to things like his JueZiJueSun.

未来,淘宝将为马云这一新的诺言而向全球市场挥师挺进。Future, clean out treasure to will be Ma Yun this one new promise and to global market brandish Shi Ting is entered.

我曾见过一整队这样的骑兵,一声令下,同时抽出剑来在空中挥舞。I have seen this whole body of horse, upon a word of command, draw their swords at once, and brandish them in the air.

一辈子都梦想着周游世界、尽情挥洒人生,然而,直到78岁他也没付之于行动的故事。Lifelong dream of traveling around the world, life, however, brandish asperses until 78 years he didn't also in action.

为了不让自己窒息,我用胳膊挥舞着椅垫扇了起来,希望气味会尽快散掉。Choke to do not let oneself, I am worn with arm brandish chair cushion fan rise, hope odour can come loose as soon as possible.

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与往常一样,孩子们在一起喧闹嬉戏,他们手中挥舞着一条绘有龙形图案的奇特项链和一个奇怪的大奖章。In among the usual clutter which small boys like to brandish were a strange necklace with a dragon motif, and an enigmatic medallion.

不过,我希望知道我的家里、办公室和更广阔的世界里,有哪些地方我需要大力使用消毒纸巾和洗手液。Still, I wanted to know where in my home, office and wider world I should most forcefully brandish my disinfectant wipes and hand-sanitizer.

现在是时候开始转入实相,这时一系列事件会在你们世间闪耀,那将在漫长而又多彩的历史中留下难以磨灭的印迹。The moments shall now begin to turn into reality as events brandish your world that will leave indelible prints in its long and colorful history.