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她知道全能的神已听见祈祷She knows Omnipotence has heard her prayer

他们与全能者紧密相连。They are indissolubly connected with Omnipotence.

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除绯是无限权力,否则什么也不能使它完全满足。Nothing short of omnipotence could satisfy it completely.

祷告是细长的肌腱可以牵动无所不能者的肌肉。Prayer is the slender sinew that moves the muscle of omnipotence.

不过他们对政府万能的信心可能有些托大了。But their faith in government omnipotence could well be misplaced.

历史是对于全能全知幻觉最好的解毒药。History is the best antidote to delusions of omnipotence and omniscience.

微弱的人们能用武力从全能者的手中夺取祝福么?What can puny human strength take by force out of the hand of Omnipotence?

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微弱的人们能用武力从全能者的手中夺取祝福麽?What can puny human strength take by force out of the hand of Omnipotence ?

似乎是有一种结实的锁链将我牢牢系住,只有全能的主才能摧毁它。It seems to bind me with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break.

它仿佛是一种坚实的锁链将我牢牢地缚住,只有那全能的主才能将它摧毁。It seems to me bind me with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break.

你对人的限制、神的全能和应许有甚麽深一层的体验呢?What is your understanding about human beings' limitations and God's omnipotence and promise?

你瞧,神圣自我在追求其全知全能时终究是孤独的。You see the Divine-Self is ultimately, conclusively alone in its final pursuit of omnipotence.

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议会主权作为哲学和法理学上的理念,存在有似于全能悖论的问题。As a philosophical and jurisprudential idea, it has problems similar to the omnipotence paradox.

从上帝的全知全能中还可以推出,任何发生的事情都是不可避免的。It also infers from God's omniscience and omnipotence that everything that happens is inevitable.

印度可以继续相信和平万能,但应该做好面对任何不可测事件的准备。India can continue to believe in the omnipotence of peace, but it should be ready for any eventuality.

这样一种奇迹会通过玛丽亚的代祷而发生,最终是神的爱和全能的结果。Such miracles as may occur through Mary's intercession are ultimately the result of God's love and omnipotence.

莎拉,我对你的爱永无止尽。似乎是有一种结实的锁链将我牢牢系住,只有全能的主才能摧毁它。Sarah, my love for you is deathless. It seems to bind me with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break.

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沙拉,我对你的爱永无止境,似乎有一种牢实的锁链将我牢牢系住了,只有全能的主才能够摧毁它。Sarah, my love for you is deathless. It seems to bind me with mighty cables that nothing but omnipotence could break.

卡尔文主义约翰·卡尔文的宗教教义,强调上帝是万能的,以及仁慈上帝对人的。The religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone.

皮松肉赘的统治者们,黄色的全能神,你们创造了“黄祸”神话,现在你们能欣赏“黄祸”上演。The Epicanthic Fold Rules. Xanthic Omnipotence. You created the "Yellow Peril" myth. Now you will enjoy the "Yellow Peril" verity.