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她咧着嘴向我们亲切地微笑。She grinned amiably at us.

海关官员亲切地微笑。The customs man smiles amiably.

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伍迪坐着没动,继续跟我亲切的聊天。Woody sat unmoving, chatting amiably.

如果一个人太忠诚,不懂得随和,就会排斥他人。If a person is too loyal, does not understand amiably , will repel other people.

你是否尽力去善待他的母亲和亲人?Do you make a special effort to get along amiably with his mother or other relatives?

当何琢言将歌曲表演完毕之后,她向台下的每一位布以似是阳光般温暖的微笑。When the song has gone, Jade gave her amiably smile to the ones who out of the stage.

我随和善解人意,可以接受新事物但保持自己的原则。I am with good intention amiably , may accept the new thing but maintains own principle.

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亚历山大用心地听他说话,低下头,快活地微微一笑。Alexander listened attentively to what was said to him, and bending his head smiled amiably.

Vera坐在院子里的长椅上,点燃一只香烟,亲切地聊天,而我被时间逼得一身大汗。Vera sat on a bench in the yard, lit a cigarette, and chatted amiably as I sweated out the minutes.

奥巴马首先顺便拜访了卢拉,他亲切地称之为“拉丁爵士”,一位合作的半球对话者。Obama at first saw in Lula, whom he once amiably called "my man," a useful hemispheric interlocutor.

坐在学生辅导室的孙老师,陪访客侃侃而谈一个下午。Sitting in the student guidance office, Sun Ta-wha chatted amiably with her guests for an afternoon.

奥巴马首先顺便拜访了卢拉,他亲切地称之为“拉丁爵士”,一位合作的半球对话者。Obama at first saw in Lula, whom he once amiably called "my man, " a useful hemispheric interlocutor.

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因为道这样巨细靡遗的关照,所以万物都愿意亲近它与之和睦相处。这种现象就是凡人的,”忠”。Owing to the thorough care, all things would like to approach it and stay with it amiably . To common people, it is loyalty.

因为道这样巨细靡遗的关照,所以万物都愿意亲近他,与之和睦相处。这种现象就是一般人所谓的“忠”。Owing to the thorough care, all things would like to approach him and stay with him amiably. To common people, it is loyalty.

矮胖的身躯、带笑的脸庞,展现南方狮的造型,此为作香插用的明朝陶狮。Short, stout, and smiling amiably , this Ming dynasty ceramic lion, used as incense-holder, displays a characteristic southern form.

如果你光灵活,没有恒定,再好的政策也得不到收获。狗代表忠诚,猪代表随和。If your light is nimble, not constant, the good policy also cannot obtain the harvest. the dog represents loyally, the pig represents amiably.

目前捷克共和国与斯洛伐克维持著极度良好的双边关系,并且在欧盟的架构之下,进行极为密集与友好的合作关系。Presently, the Czech Republic and Slovakia maintain extremely close bilateral ties and cooperate amiably within the framework of the European Union.

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不论在哪里,蒙受失败,都有机会从容整理行装,然后再欣然启程,这就是幸福的根蒂,也是你我永生的财富。No matter where, suffered defeat, has had an opportunity to gracefully packing, and then set off, this amiably is happy roots, could the eternal wealth.

信件反映了两人间真诚的学术交往,以及王国维先生以平易的态度扶持后学的大师风范。These letters reflect the sincere academic exchanges between them and Mr. Wang Guowei's demeanor as a great master of supporting young scholars amiably.

贾布斯显得非常放松,活动结束后在舞台附近停留了20多分钟,亲切地与熟人和苹果的员工交谈.A relaxed-looking Jobs lingered near the theater stage for more than 20 minutes after the show wrapped up, chatting amiably with acquaintances and Apple employees.