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和先辈一样,提提卡卡湖附近的女性还是用手扬谷子。Like their ancestors, women winnow grain by hand near Lake Titicaca.

的的喀喀湖是南美洲印第安人文化的发源地之一。The Lake Titicaca is one of South America, the birthplace of Indian culture.

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2011年5月29日,秘鲁普诺市的的喀喀湖上的漂流岛,一个女孩正在奔跑。A girl runs on one ofthe Uros floating islands on Lake Titicaca in Puno, Peru, on May 29, 2011.

乌比纳斯火山是众多火山群中的一个,这些火山群位于秘鲁南部,的的喀喀湖以东的沙漠高原上。Ubinas is one of many volcanoes that dot the high desert plateau east of Lake Titicaca in southern Peru.

因为接连成功而信心倍增的印加王开始将视野投向更远的地方,他们瞄上了提提卡卡湖周围的富饶土地。Flush with success, Inca kings set their sights farther afield, on the wealthy lands surrounding Lake Titicaca.

的的喀喀湖的频率是准备好给人类的,这可让那些与它对齐的人们更易于使用。At Lake Titicaca these frequencies are fixed to humanity and more readily available to those who align with them.

提提卡卡地区的君主是高傲自大的人,沿湖各处管辖四十万人。The lords of the Titicaca region were haughty men, ruling as many as 400, 000 people in kingdoms arrayed around the lake.

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抗议者反对加拿大圣安娜银矿开采项目,声称该项目会污染德萨瓜德罗河和的的喀喀湖。Theprotesters oppose the Canadian Santa Ana silver mining project they say willpollute the Desaguadero River and Lake Titicaca.

我告诉你们,的的喀喀湖已经传送能量给它们,从北到南,以协助它们进行这个过程。But we tell you Titicaca is sending energy to these and more, and many of the North come to the South to assist in this process.

在大约公元500到1000年,他们从原本Titicaca湖Bolivian岸通过宗教控制和军事权力进行扩张。D. 500 and 1000, they expanded from their origins on the Bolivian shores of Lake Titicaca via religious control and military might.

它的目的地是的的塔塔湖。此后,根据预言,融洽与团结会变得更大,来到人类心中。Its final destination is Lake Titicaca. After which, according to the prophecies, harmony and unity will come greater to the hearts of humanity.

它们中的第一个将在2008年被激活,并与其他的位于巴西、沙斯塔山、比米尼、的的喀喀湖的休眠中的水晶取得联系。The first of these will be awakened in 2008, and aligned with the other sleeping Atlantean Crystals in Brazil, Mount Shasta, Bimini and Lake Titicaca.

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27岁的罗伯特•索伦是一位来自洛杉矶的登山爱好者,在的的喀喀湖附近徒步旅行时,染上了肺炎,之后他来到这里,本打算小住几天,不想一呆就是四年。Robert Thoren, 27, a mountain climber from Los Angeles, arrived here for a brief stay after a bout with pneumonia while backpacking near Lake Titicaca.

如果这位印加国王不能战征服提提卡卡国王,那么他就要提心吊胆,担心他们凭借大量这些牲畜,反过来征服他。If the Inca king could not conquer the Titicaca lords who owned these vast herds, he would live in fear of the day these lords would come to conquer him.

提提卡卡地区的领主们骄横自大,他们的臣民有四十万之巨,散布于大湖周边,其领地丰饶,物产丰富。The lords of the Titicaca region were haughty men, ruling as many as 400,000 people in kingdoms arrayed around the lake. Their lands were rich and desirable.

的的喀喀湖是强力且完美的电池,为这星球的扬升的需要,吸收并传送这些对准更高次元的能量。Titicaca is a perfect & potent battery for both receival and transmission of those attuned higher dimensional energies required for the Ascension of this planet.

代表的的喀喀湖的是,被它极大量的湖水、海拔、地质与几何格栅所保护著的最纯正的门户。So what is represented by Titicaca is that it is among the most pure of portals, and greatly 'protected' by its massive waters, elevation, geology and grid geometry.

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你瞧,我们向你们保证,假如的的喀喀湖是男性或女性的能量,它就不会吸引那么多力量,也无法保持平衡。We assure you, if it was either one or the other, the feminine energy or masculine, Lake Titicaca would not draw that amount of power, it would not contain the equilibrium, you see?