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洗好碗。Wash my bowl.

帮我洗头发。Wash my hair.

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在温水中清洗。Wash in warm water.

我应该洗还是应该擦干?Should I wash or dry?

将红辣椒洗净切丝。Wash chili and slice.

对某事洗手不干…Wash one's hand of v.

洗手不干某事。Wash one's hands off.

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去洗洗你的脸!Go and wash your face!

把肥皂都洗掉。Wash off all the soap.

把它们洗干净晾干。Wash them and let dry.

勤洗手。Wash your hands often.

常清洗、保持清洁。Wash often. Keep clean.

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对某事洗手不干…Wash one's hand of sth.

这些衣服经洗。These clothes wash well.

中虾去壳后洗净。Unshell and wash shrimps.

我每天都洗袜子。I wash my socks every day.

这些衣服很易洗。These clothes wash easily.

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牛肉粒洗净沥水。Wash and drain beef cubes.

排骨汆水后以冷水洗净备用。Wash and scald spare ribs.

常洗手,长洗手。Wash hands well and often.