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但平价的推理,它落在加尔文。But by parity of reasoning it falls upon Calvinism.

这往往是人们对加尔文主义的普遍印象。Too frequently this is the popular image of Calvinism.

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有九个因素促成了这种加尔文主义的复兴Nine Factors Contributing to the Resurgence of Calvinism

对于一个帐户的“研究所”看到加尔文主义。Popery . For an account of the "Institutes" see CALVINISM.

他驱散了那种认为加尔文主义反对传福音的神话。He dispelled the myth that Calvinism was anti-evangelistic.

加尔文教不为政府服务。Calvinism isn't a religion of subservience to any government.

真正的加尔文主义知道,纯正的教义会改变生命,也必须要改变生命。True Calvinism knows that sound doctrine is and must be life changing.

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加尔文主义是自古以来最方便的宗教。Calvinism was the most convenient religion since the days of the ancients.

但是,这种在福音派中的失调,不应该造成加尔文主义的失调。But this imbalance in evangelicalism should not lead to an imbalance in Calvinism.

但是,加尔文教派信奉的是一个严厉的上帝,他任意选择哪些人可以进天堂。But Calvinism believes in a severe God who chooses people to heaven at his own random will.

历史上,爱默生对他的祖先加尔文主义做了最大程度的改变。Historically, Emerson marks one of the largest reactions against the Calvinism of his ancestors.

首先,目前的趋势是把改革宗神学贬低为只是加尔文主义五要点。First, there is a growing tendency right now to reduce Reformed theology to the five points of Calvinism.

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他为加尔文主义者对亚米念主义的态度所震惊,他自己对于加尔文主义的反应也往往过于严厉。He was stung by Calvinists' treatment of Arminianism. and his own response to Calvinism was often too harsh.

司布真在本世纪持续不断地把一代又一代的圣经传道人带入加尔文主义。Spurgeon has consistently across this century introduced generation after generation of Bible preachers to Calvinism.

约翰加尔文是法国人,但本周他却在日内瓦被人们纪念,因为正是在这里,他创立了加尔文教派。John Calvin was a Frenchman, but he is being remembered in Geneva this week because it was here that he built Calvinism.

但这并不能解释加尔文教为何在家庭教会和知识分子中如此受欢迎。But that does not explain why Calvinism should be the preferred theology of the house churches and the intellectuals now.

尽管加尔文教的规模在西欧和北美正在缩小,它却在中国获得了瞩目的成功。Although Calvinism is shrinking in western Europe and North America, it is experiencing an extraordinary success in China.

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在中国,加尔文教传播最快的地方是精英大学,尤其一些高素质人士学习、翻译教义,更助长了它的发展。And in China, the place where Calvinism is spreading fastest is the elite universities, fuelled by prodigies of learning and translation.

因着新派神学人士否认圣经无误,神兴起人与这些自由派对抗,加尔文主义就传播开了。Calvinism was spread through the denial of the inerrancy of Scripture by theolohical liberals as God raised up men to stand against them.

我告诉别人达尔文主义和预言论是我们国家精神的主要支柱。完全同意。I tell folks that point about Calvinism and predestination being major underpinnings of our national character as well. Agree completely.