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一只黑色的标准型贵宾犬正等待参加青年训犬师表演赛。A black standard poodle waits for the Junior Showmanship division.

作为一个经验丰富的魔术师,刘谦对魔术表演有着独特的理解。As a seasoned magician, Liu Qian has a unique understanding of showmanship.

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墨索里尼运用暴力,而贝鲁斯科尼则通过表演技巧来完成。What Mussolini did with violence, Berlusconi accomplished through showmanship.

新手号码到底是什么?参加AKC的活动确实需要这个号码吗?What is a Junior Showmanship Number and do I need to have one to compete in AKC events?

吸吮着沾满黄油的手指,我们进入了猪馆,“FFA猪儿才艺表演大赛”刚好开始。Licking buttery fingers, we entered the Swine Building just as the "FFA Swine Show Showmanship Contest" began.

当球被奶弟稳稳地接进手套时,帅派举起了他的手臂,这样的举动与其说是表演,其实看起来更像是松了一口气。Pettitte raised his arms as the ball settled into Nady's glove —more out of relief, it seemed, than showmanship.

卢卡斯,爱尔兰二传手,是由他的处理程序举行杰米兰菲尔,因为他们在初中揽客竞争竞争。Lucas, an Irish Setter, is held by his handler Jamie Lamphere as they compete in the Junior Showmanship competition.

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但迈肯内尔需要知道的是,选民能够辨别原则上的抵议和政治技巧。McConnell should keep in mind that voters can tell the difference between principled resistance and political showmanship.

迈克尔影响了众多艺术家,他们中的有些人在演出上的火爆与高超本领上正得自他的绝技。Michael has influenced so many artists, some of whom are picking up on the grandeur and showmanship of his live performances.

他只是用大量的幽默技巧和演出技巧使物体变的消失并再现。He just puts in an honest night's work making stuff disappear and reappear, with a great deal of square humor and showmanship.

“今天让我们开始这个七天性爱之旅的实验吧,”他说道,既诙谐幽默,又富有表演技巧,同时也不失经文的特点,他的话语就是这三种风格的混合体。“Today we’re beginning this sexperiment, seven days of sex, ” he said, with his characteristic mix of humor, showmanship and Scripture.

魔术就是要让别人相信不可能的事刚才发生了。为了实现这一欺骗,需要高超的技术和杰出的表演。Magic is all about convincing others that the impossible has just happened. And that deception is achieved with a high degree of skill and showmanship.

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爆炸的发型,嬉皮的穿著,活跃的舞台表现和极赋创意的演奏,无疑使他成为乐队里的焦点人物。Signature Afro Hairstyle, Cheeky Fashion sense, Explosive showmanship &creative improvising talent easily makes him one of the key figures of the band.

你可能会认为,像大量Koolhaas的作品一样,这座大楼既是建筑作品也是炫技之作,但它显示了一种安静的壮美。You might think that, like a good deal of Koolhaas’s work, the building is as much showmanship as architecture, but it evinces a quiet, monumental grandeur.

他正在为自己今年夏天在伦敦的体育场举行的演出做准备,我们永远也不知道那是否能给他一个新的开始。He was working on a stadium spectacle for shows in London this summer, and we will never know if all his skill and showmanship could have given him a new start.

表演的视觉效果极佳,足够纯熟的演出技巧让观众始终充满兴趣,真实描绘了一个现场表演经验丰富乐队是如何带动现场气氛的。It looks great, has enough pure showmanship to keep the viewer interested, and offers an authentic portrait of a seasoned live band who understand how to work a crowd.

一次统治性的胜利之后,曼塞尔展示了他的表演能力,他在退场圈时停下来载着因为燃油耗尽而停下的赛纳回维修站。Mansell demonstrated his gift for showmanship when, after a dominant win, he stopped on the slowing down lap to offer the out-of-fuel Ayrton Senna a lift back to the pits.

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回顾过去的表演和宣传的蒙特利尔时装周,在这方面,我们打破了问题,提出一些重要的趋势,您可以轻松地通过为自己在下个赛季。Looking past the showmanship and hype of Montreal Fashion Week, here we broke down the implications by presenting some key trends that you can easily adopt for yourself next season.

所有的暴政都是大场面地表演多年积累的阴险、冒险、恐怖、妄想、自恋、虚伪、与做作,浓缩到完全的针对所有个人的控制的奇境中。ALL tyrannies are virtuoso displays over many years of cunning, risk-taking, terror, delusion, narcissism, showmanship and charm, distilled into a spectacle of total personal control.

搜狐其实实现了更多的技术方面的改造,而相比之下,新浪变得有些碌碌无为,从王志东时代的技术的新浪,似乎转到了一个做秀的新浪上。Sohu actually achieve more technical aspects of the transformation, and contrast, some also become Sina, Wang Zhidong from the era of technology Sina seems to be transferred to a showmanship on Sina.