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潮差昼夜变化在0.67米左右。Diurnal tidal range of 0.67 meters.

跟从着地球的日行路线转滚。Rolled round in earth's diurnal course.

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白天活动的动物在白昼时猎食。A diurnal animal hunts its food during daylight.

全日潮大潮对应于半日潮小潮,反之亦然。The diurnal springs correspond to the semidiurnal neaps and vice versa.

背风坡降水日变化的二维数值研究。A two-dimensional numerical study on diurnal cycle of mountain lee precipitation.

FFT结果表明在该海域以半日周期潮流和日周期潮流为主。FFT results show semidiurnal tides and diurnal tides dominate the current movement.

当眼虫被放在强光下时,仍能表现出昼夜节律。Thus Euglena shows a diurnal rhythm in the speed at which it moves to a light source.

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结论DRD患者具有症状多样及日间波动的特点。Conclusions Clinical diversity and diurnal fluctuation are the characteristics of DRD.

东移CS出高原后日变化比南移CS出高原后明显。The diurnal variation of the eastward CS is more prominent than that of the southward CS.

这些结果显示共生藻可能有调节幼生释放日夜周期的作用。These results suggest that zooxanthellae may play a role in regulating the diurnal cycle.

本文利用数值方法,模拟了北海港湾的全日潮波。The diurnal tidal wave in Beihai Gulf was Modeled with the numerical method in this paper.

碧潭泉水的物理化学特征呈现日动态变化和月动态变化。Physical-chemical characteristics of the Bitang karst Spring show diurnal and lunar variation.

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南京市生物气溶胶浓度垂直分布和日变化规律。The vertical distribution and diurnal variation law of the bioaerosol concentration in Nanjing City.

全日和半日潮计算结果与实测符合良好。Good agreement of the computed results to the observed is achieved for diurnal and semidiurnal tides.

我只能从无数的日常工作中挤出两三个小时来跟着她。I could only spare two or three hours, from my numerous diurnal occupations, to follow her footsteps.

与苍鹰、秃鹰、鸢和兀鹰相同,它们都是白天出动进行捕猎的食肉鸟类。Along with hawks, falcons, kites and buzzards, they are diurnal raptors, which means they hunt by day.

而在阴天,阳生叶和阴生叶方位角、方向角和中脉角的日变化均很小。On the cloudy day, a very little diurnal difference was found in azimuth, directional and midrib angle.

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尖锐的鹰爪、坚硬的利喙,它们有日间猎食的猛禽的所有特征,唯一的差别在于眼睛。They have all the features of the diurnal birds of prey, from their sharp talons to their strong beaks.

阿克雷是昼行生物,专门捕猎白天困倦的夜行生物莱姆奈,用巨大的爪子刺它们。Acklay are diurnal creatures that hunt for drowsy nocturnal lemnai and spear them with their immense claws.

气孔开闭、气孔导度和蒸腾作用一日中的变化与光合作用的日变化基本吻合。Stomatal closure, stomatal conduction and transpiration consisted with diurnal changes in leaf photosynthesis.