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及早和有预见性的恐惧,是安全之母。Early and provident fear is the mother of safety.

深谋远虑的人为家庭贮蓄钱财。Provident men lay aside money for their families.

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另一重点就是中央公积金。The other mainstay is the Central Provident Fund.

管理住房公积金信息系统。to administer the information system of housing provident fund.

在他一贯的公积金的方式,他本人对保险这种类型的损失。In his usual provident manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss.

第三步是建立“大公积金”,以建立全面的社会保障制度。Third, build"big provident fund"to sent up a comprehensive social welfare system.

我区的住房公积金在发展中仍然存在着一些问题。Housing provident fund in the development of our region, some problems still exist.

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阁下可发电邮至英国友诚国际申请上述许可。You may request such permission by sending an email to Friends Provident International.

超过百分之十六的雇员未受强积金计划保障。More than 16 per cent of workers are not insured by any Mandatory Provident Fund scheme.

维基解密还为读者和历史学家出版了原始的新闻资料。Wikileaks also publishes original news provident relevant data for readers and historians as well.

住房公积金工作相对于建设行业的其它领域,是一项新的事业。Housing provident fund in relation to construction work in other areas of industry, is a new cause.

以前,很多客户都不愿意选择公积金贷款,因为手续比较麻烦。Previously, many customers are reluctant to choose Provident Fund loans, as compared trouble procedures.

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众所周知,作为一国社会保障体系核心的新加坡中央公积金制度在世界范围内具有首创性和典型性。Housing Provident Fund System is one of the pioneering work in the system reform of our country's urban housing.

刘凡和李岩等人应按诈骗公积金贷款的行为别另案处理。Liu Fan and Li Yan and other suspects involved should be charged for fraud on public provident fund in another case.

北京2009年社会保险和公积金,单位及个人缴费比例?缴费基数?Beijing 2009 Social insurance and provident fund, the proportion of units and individual contributions? Contribution base?

五是建立与房地产开发企业合作发放住房公积金个人贷款的模式。Fifth, the establishment of housing and real estate development enterprise cooperation provident fund personal loans pattern.

供款附加费之计算将根据强制性公积金计划管理局所发出之「拖欠供款附加费通知书」为准。The surcharge shall be calculated according to the "Payment Notice" issued by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority.

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姜表示,政府将从2万亿元全国住房公积金缴纳额中拿出一部分,支持经济适用房的建设。Jiang also said the government would use part of a pool of a 2 trillion yuan housing provident fund to build more affordable homes.

输入并确认每天定价,成本,相对于买方的折扣计划,并与公积金诚信分销协议。Enter and verify everyday pricing, costs, and discounts relative to buyer plan and agreements with Provident Integrity Distribution.

本人谨此根据本计划信讬契约的条款及条件申请成为倍易强制性国积金的会员。I hereby apply for membership of the Double Easy Mandatory Provident Fund on the terms and conditions of the trust deed of the Plan.