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我的心死了。My heart is gone.

我们已经走远。We have gone far.

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他该走了吧。He should of gone.

天呀!我的包不见了。My bag is all gone.

朝晖渐现,黑夜已遁。The night had gone.

工资已经上涨。Wages have gone up.

让我们把它放在这儿,啊,出错了。Aha. It's gone wrong.

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让过去的事情过去吧。By gone sare bygones.

时钟刚刚敲过六点钟。It has just gone six.

让过去的东西过去吧!Let by gones by gone.

现在那个时代过去了。Now that era is gone.

我的钱全没有了。All my money has gone.

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就连天空也不见影踪。Even the sky was gone.

他成了社会主义者。He has gone socialist.

你的离去似乎已成永恒。That you've been gone.

这肉已变质了。The meat has gone bad.

它们都已经腐臭!Which has gone rancid!

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唉呀,我的小狗跑到哪里去啦?。Has My Little Dog Gone?

他有点儿老糊涂了。He has gone quite gaga.

一转眼他就不见了。He was gone in a trice.