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电影,小说,电视中的拜伦式英雄。Byronic Hero In Film, Fiction, And Television.

“拜伦式英雄”通过爱情把女性人物桎梏于爱的囚笼中。The female characters are constrained by the Byronic Heroes' love.

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斯内普教授究竟是个拜仑风格的英雄还是个不可救药的油腻腻的大蝙蝠?Is Professor Severus Snape a Byronic romantic hero or an unredeemable "greasy git?"

创造了拜伦式的英雄是拜伦诗作的一个重要成就。Byronic hero is one of his most important representatives of his literary contribution.

他做了许多大胆尝试,把英国的韵律诗,从伊丽莎白时代的十四行到拜伦时代的诗歌,介绍给中国诗歌界。He made various bold attempts to introduce English metres into Chinese poetry, from Elizabethan sonnets to Byronic stanzas.

拜伦式英雄与海明威式英雄都是英雄,都敢于为人类的和个人的理想而战,并坚持不懈。The byronic hero and hemingway hero are both heroes they both dare to fight for the ideals of human beings and themselves and never gives up.

作为浪漫主义的代表诗人,拜伦的主要贡献在于他创办了“拜伦式铁汉”,高傲,神秘,反叛却带有贵族血统。As a number one Romanticist, Byron's chief contribution is his crewhenion of the "Byronic hero, " a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin.

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同时,本文集中讨论了诗人所塑造的拜伦式英雄,它是拜伦表现自我的道具,集中体现了拜伦的自我个性。Moreover, the thesis focus on Byronic hero that the poet created, it used as Byron's property to dramatize himself. Byronic heroes embody his selfhood.

瞥一眼有着佯装炮楼的城垛上矗立着高大的烟囱和许多石雕的总督官邸不难看见它所透露的拜伦风格的浪漫主义精神。A glimpse at the vice-regal residence reveals a certain Byronic romanticism. It is battlemented , with sham turrets, massive chimney-stacks, and a good deal of carved stone.

读者和一些评论家都对书中的故事感到震惊,在书中一个年轻、普通的女家庭教师爱上了她傲慢的雇主,却不知道他有一个疯妻子被关在阁楼里。Readers and some critics were scandalised by the story of a young, plain governess who falls in love with her Byronic employer, unaware that he already has a mad wife incarcerated in the attic.