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不要盲目担心。Do not worry.

我该担心什么?What, me worry?

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让焦虑滚蛋吧!Let go of worry.

但我也有我的担忧。But I also worry.

有时我会担心。Sometimes I worry.

李允有些担忧了。Li Yun to worry some.

你怎么能不担心?How can you not worry?

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承认你的担心。Acknowledge your worry.

但是我真的非常担心。But I do worry over it.

不用为这个太烦恼。Don't worry about that.

别着急,我就来。Don't worry.I'm coming.

我对这一切感到担心。I worry about all this.

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狼群撕咬绵羊。Wolves worry the sheep.

焦虑使他愁眉不展。Worry clouded his brow.

不要担心米多。Don't worry about Bijou.

别担心。我会跟你一起分担的。Don't worry. l'll share.

我们都为你担心。We were worry about you.

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是的,我确实担心。Yes, I worry about that.

别让那事折磨你了。Don't let that worry you.

雁向愁边落。Goose down side to worry.