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是否先兆流产?Whether or not foreboding abortion?

那是一个非常有维多利亚预感的机构。It’s a very foreboding Victorian institution.

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这种预感会加重我们的拖延症。The sense of foreboding can be a big contributor to procrastination.

巨大的裂缝和掉落的冰团是摆在面前的不祥的征兆。Big cracks and breakaway pieces are foreboding signs of what's ahead.

那就是我们今天所生存的社会,它是黑暗的,可预知的。That is the society we live in today, and it is a dark and foreboding one.

他眉宇间有些许深纹,这让我有种不祥的预感。There were furrows in the old brow, and I had a kind of foreboding feeling.

但是,当他想象哈佛的未来时,柯南特就由不详之兆转向了坚定的信念。But as he imagined Harvard's future, Conant shifted from foreboding to faith.

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“王妹,”爱德蒙国王说,“我心里也有类似的预感。”"Madam, " said King Edmund, "the like foreboding stirreth in my heart also. "

1077年,该修道院被重建成充满不祥之兆的中世纪哥特式。In 1077, the abbey was rebuilt in the foreboding gothic style of the medieval time.

我拉起苏菲的手向玩具专区走去,强烈的不详预感都让我胸闷。I take Sofie's hand and lead her to the doll section, my chest tight with foreboding.

一个黑暗而不吉的地方,一个死亡与暴力潜伏在每处阴影下的地方。Ferelden. A dark and foreboding place, where death and violence lurks in every shadow.

难道我的每段预言独白都要被这个半兽人抢戏吗?见鬼!Can I get through just ONE foreboding monologue without the half-orc upstaging me?Geez!

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我们乘坐的班机穿越厚厚的云层,在科克机场上空盘旋准备降落的过程中,似乎有一丝不祥的预感。Descending through thick clouds towards Cork airport brought a slight sense of foreboding.

不过,这种楔形的突击舰预示着一个新的时代即将到来。Instead, the wedge-shaped assault ships were foreboding harbingers of the new era to come.

许多人都认为大森林是一个不祥的虎狼之地,从来没人敢踏进其中。Many people believed that the forest was a foreboding and dangerous place and never set foot in it.

上周五莫尔纳的失踪,让人们有一种不祥的预感,是否历史的悲剧还将继续上演。So when Molnar went missing last Friday, there was a terrible foreboding of history repeating itself.

这个团队将到达一个有不祥之兆的地方,和当地的一个以毁坏所有人物品为乐的食尸鬼较量。The team would arrive in a foreboding spot, to take on a local ghoul ruining things for everyone else.

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经过24小时后,把这只老鼠放在同样的盒子里,当实验用的是幼鼠时,它表现出了和24小时前一样的症状,浑身发抖地龟缩在盒子的一角。Young mice, encountering the same box 24 hours later, remembered the foreboding place and froze in fear.

如果选择了一般RPG角色,会从等级一的初始角色开始,去经历Ascalon的故事。If you choose the former, you start out as a first-level neophyte on a foreboding day in Ascalon's history.

西南海岸的预感山和陡峭的峡谷是蒂阿瑙神的地域。The foreboding mountains and steep-walled valleys on New Zealand’s southwest coast are the places of Atua, gods.