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难道我们理应屈膝跪在这片土地上。Bend to the earth our pliant knees.

新上任的首相也更加顺从。A new, more pliant prime minister took over.

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现在,研究显示了这种软梯动物时如何形成这样有力的肢体。New research shows how the pliant animals create such a stiff limb.

泡制前的豆腐块白鼓鼓的,富弹性,很有饱实感。Before being fermented, the white chunks of tofu are plump and pliant . How filling they look!

当它被拖到受范区域时,一个附加的敲击声提示这种碰触。When it is dragged over pliant areas, an additional percussive tap could indicate this collision.

和红宝石晶体或后来开发的其他雷射介质相比,矽的顺应程度低了很多。Silicon has proved considerably less pliant than ruby crystals or other subsequently developed lasing media.

它看起来宛如玻璃般易碎,但是实际上这种材料能耐受任何程度的刮擦和撞击,而且能承受大部分人的体重。It looks as fragile as glass, but this stuff can endure any amount of scratching and kicking, and is pliant enough for most sitters.

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任何可以捡起来或者拖动的对象都是受范的,每个表格上的小格或者字处理软件处理的文档中的一个字都是受范的。Any object that can be picked up and dragged is pliant, and every cell in a spreadsheet and every character in a word processor document is pliant.

同时,如果一个受压迫者试图用新的法律来保护自己的权利,那些个堕落而顺从的司法官员们通常都会确保他是在白费工夫。Moreover, should an underdog try to use the new law to enforce his rights, the corrupt and pliant judiciary would usually ensure he was wasting his time.

但与其造成一个更顺服的巴基斯坦,也不希望美国压力升级促使伊斯兰堡加强其与更宽容的盟友,中国的关系。But rather than produce a more pliant Pakistan, an escalation of U.S. pressure could prompt Islamabad to strengthen its ties with a more forgiving ally, China.

他在避税天堂和容易受人摆布的政府间大行其道,诸如列支敦士登公国,这些国家被他称为“拥有滑稽可笑法律的古怪国家”。He was always shopping for tax havens and pliant governments, such as the Duchy of Liechtenstein—“droll little countries with droll little laws, ” he called them.

介绍仙槎煤业公司一年多时间使用伪俯斜四边形柔性掩护支架采煤法的体会。Some experiences were introduced on the use of the puppet downward quadrilateral pliant shield support mining in Xiancha Coal Industry Company in more than a year.

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光标暗示的首要任务是清清楚楚地告诉用户某个对象是受范的,同时也应该能够展现出来用户可以执行哪种类别的直接操作。Cursor hinting should first and foremost make it clear to users that an object is pliant . It is also often useful to indicate what type of direct-manipulation action is possible.

不过他有可能改变主意,尤其是当共和党选定该党内恐怖无比的意识形态主义者——金里奇——以取代较温和的罗姆尼时,从而为中间派制造一个开放性的空间。But he could change his mind especially if the Republicans plump for one of their scarier ideologues—Mr Gingrich?—instead of the pliant Mr Romney thus creating an opening in the centre.

这个新生态区位选择的主要是那些比较温驯的猫,但猫之间的竞争也会持续影响牠们的演化,并限制牠们顺服的程度。Selection in this new niche would have been principally for tameness, but competition among cats would also have continued to influence their evolution and limit how pliant they became.

精明的中国谈判者,另一方面,给他们易受影响的猎物找到了一条快速的生财之道,中丅共、新中国向现代化的快速前进。Shrewd Chinese negotiators, on the other hand, have found in their pliant quarry an expeditious way to advance their careers, the Party, and the New China's rapid push to modernization.

不过他有可能改变主意,尤其是当共和党选定该党内恐怖无比的意识形态主义者——金里奇——以取代较温和的罗姆尼时,从而为中间派制造一个开放性的空间。But he could change his mind, especially if the Republicans plump for one of their scarier ideologues—Mr Gingrich?—instead of the pliant Mr Romney, thus creating an opening in the centre.