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卢娜那双向外突出的眼睛惊讶地转向了他。Luna turned her protuberant eyes upon him in surprise.

脸上起了,小红点点,没有突起,不痒,是什么原因?Rose on the face, little red place, not protuberant , not urticant, what reason be?

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呈单发、界限清楚的突起或呈分叶状,质地坚实。A single, boundaries clear protuberant or show lobulated, quality of a material is solid.

圆唇口,短颈,附双螭耳,扁圆腹,平底突起三乳钉足。Round lips mouth, short neck, double chi ears, flat , pan protuberant abdomen nails three feet.

中国网游异军突起的秘诀是,激烈的国内竞争和政府适当的保护。Chinese net You Yijun's protuberant recipe is, intense home competes and the government is protected appropriately.

撇口,束颈,颈部突起一圈弦纹,丰肩,腹部渐收至胫部外撇,二层式圈足。Pie mouth, neck and neck, a string protuberant abdomen gradually, to the left, narrow out-curled layer type ring foot.

吃饭时才发觉云的腹部有些突起,却不好意思询问。The abdomen that the cloud just detects when having a meal is a little protuberant , feel embarrassed however inquiry.

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圣歌是基督教文学中的主要部门之一。在中国基督教文学中,圣歌占据了一个突出的位置。Hymn is an important branch of Christian literature, and in Chinese Christian literature, the hymns occupy a protuberant place.

将最小二乘支持向量机引入到小字符集压印字符识别中。This paper presents an application of least squares support vector machines in small-set pressed protuberant character recognition.

于1960年9月第一次住院时,这小女孩显得又黄又白,腹部凸出,而四肢消瘦,成一对比。At the time of the first admission in Sept. 1960, she was a small sallow girl whose protuberant abdomen contrasted with her thin limbs.

病理为角蛋白突起,细如毛发伴不同程度的不完全角化与棘层肥厚。Pathology is horny albumen protuberant , fine if hair accompanies the not complete horn of different level, change with spine layer fleshy.

目的探讨内镜下尼龙绳套扎治疗宽基底或粗蒂胃肠道隆起性病变的疗效。To evaluate the effectiveness of endoscopic therapy with endoloop for the protuberant lesions with thick pedide or broad base in the gastrointestinal tract.

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减小压盘凸耳和制动器壳体凸台间的周向间隙可减小制动时的冲击,有效地改善制动平顺性。Reducing the circumferential gap between the platen protuberant and the brake shell protuberant can reduce braking impulse and improve the comfort effectively.

随着电子技术和计算机技术的发展,电站和变电站内的电磁兼容问题的影响日益突出。ABSTRACT With wider use of electronic equipment, the problem of electromagnetic compatibility in power stations and substations become more and more serious and protuberant.

昨天,我在古玩城买了一把直刀,刀尖有一些突起,有些象雁翎刀,但刀身窄,把锈去掉后。Yesterday in curio city I bought a sword which has a protuberant point and a narrow body after removing the rust. It looks like a waist saber with feathery pattern on the blade.

CT仿真内镜与小肠双对比造影检查对小肠隆起性病变的诊断各有优势,综合运用可以提高诊断正确率。CTVE and double contrast examination each have their advantages in diagnosing protuberant lesions of small intestine. The diagnostic accuracy can be improved by comprehensive application.

当调制频率不同时,PSD曲线的突变部分会发生相应的频移,调制频率高则突变发生在空间频率较高的频段,同时PSD峰值不变。The change of the modulation frequency will change the corresponding frequency value of the protuberant part on the PSD curve, and at the same time the peak value of the protuberant part is changed.