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它们有很小的体腔。They possess a restricted coelom.

这种药的使用受到限制。The use of the drug is restricted.

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这一版限出二万册。This edition is restricted out 20000.

什么是受限和非自由软件?What are restricted and non-free software?

所有的体征都没有超出舌炎的范围。All the signs were restricted to glossitis.

体征都超舌范围。All the signs were restricted to glossitis.

“阻塞事件”并未局限于俄罗斯。Blocking events are not restricted to Russia.

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建筑物高度限制在这一领域。Building heights are restricted in this area.

现在可迁移性愈加受限制了。Now that mobility is increasingly restricted.

我们的考察范围仅限于狩猎动物。Our survey was restricted to the game animals.

但是罗渐渐觉得被这块布阻隔了。But Luo gradually felt restricted by the cloth.

他约束自己每天只抽五支烟。He restricted himself to five cigarettes a day.

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本俱乐部会员仅限于成年人。Membership of the club is restricted to adults.

方法研究对象为经产妇女。Methods The study was restricted to parous women.

在渔船可以捕鱼的时候,是不被限制的。Boats are not restricted as to when they can fish.

如果受到拘束,爱人可能会恼火。Loved ones may be annoyed if they feel restricted.

冷却剂流经冷凝器不畅。Restricted refrigerant flow through the condenser.

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他们只能从定位球中寻找机会。Rovers were restricted to chances from set-pieces.

PH基因制约减数分裂前染色体的联会。Synapsis before meiosis is restricted by PH genes.

不对公众开放的地区由橘黄色三角旗标了出来。The restricted areas are marked by orange pennons.