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任何电路可以通过一个特定的数字信号。Any circuit will pass a digital signa practically undistorted.

可是我们怎么知道自己看到的是真实的、没有扭曲的现实呢?But how do we know we have the true, undistorted picture of reality?

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然而我们如何敢断定自己看到的现实景象是真切的、不失真的呢?But how do we know we have the true, undistorted picture of reality?

这是他进入某个纯净无扰的禅定空性的方式。This is how he enters into a meditative emptiness that is pure and undistorted.

什么样的特性是依序包含未失真资料典型的曲线?。What characteristics should a graph contain in order that the image of the data be undistorted ?

单纯坚持,参考的真实性,就是科学。It is merely to assert that so far as any body of references is undistorted it belongs to Science.

回归生存本体的教育因而表现为回归教育的本真意蕴的教育。So education returning to existential ontology represents as returning to its undistorted intendment.

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文章论述了数据的无损还原的基本方法。This paper introduces the basic methods of undistorted reduction for the undistorted compression data.

只有在静水中,东西反射而不变形。只有在宁静心灵中,才能对世界有适当的领悟。Only in quiet waters things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.

线性预测可用于扩展数据组并产生无畸变的谱,只是稍微花费一些计算时间。LP can be used to extend the data sets and to create an undistorted spectrum at the expense of a small increase in calculation time.

值得铭记的是,2008年金融危机的源头是美国的资产市场,所以自由市场也难以受到政府的扭曲。It is worth remembering that the epicentre of the 2008 disaster was American property, hardly a free market undistorted by government.

“这意味着我们可以做细胞的定量分析,”苗说,“用其他技术很难得到这种无畸变图像的。”"This means we can do quantitative analysis of cells, " Miao said. "This kind of undistorted image is difficult to achieve using other technology. "

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十分巧合的是,有一组地球观测卫星提供了最原始且如实的海啸波高值,这是模型设计师模拟印度洋海啸时不可或缺的。By sheer coincidence, a trio of earth-monitoring satellites gave modelers the pristine, undistorted wave heights they needed for the Indian Ocean tsunami.

所寻求的未失真的、属于你们自己的知识,是关于作为一个整体的现实、它的规律、法则和组成的内我中固有的知识。Undistorted and yours for the asking, is the knowledge inherent in the inner self, pertaining to reality as a whole, its laws, principles and composition.

然而我们目前相当幸运,通过录像、录音和书籍,能够和克里希那穆提未被曲解的教诲直接接触。Yet we are, at present, lucky enough to be able to be in direct contact with Krishnamurti's undistorted teachings through video and audio tapes and books.

这一先验知识结合信号中未失真的频谱部分,通过求解一组非线性方程即可近似恢复出交流信号的全部频谱,从而恢复出完整的交流信号。With the information and the undistorted parts, the whole spectrum can be recovered by solving the nonlinear equations, so the AC signal is also recovered.

为实现对变化呼气流量的正确测量,该传感器在工作频带范围内必须满足无失真测量条件。In order to measure the changing expiratory flow correctly, the sensor must meet the undistorted measurement requirement within its working frequency range.

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介绍了无失真传输系统的频率响应特性,分析了基于扫频法测量系统频响的JH6170电声测试系统。The frequency response of undistorted transmitted system is introduced, and JH6170 electroacoustic testing system based on frequency sweeping method is analysed.

心只有去除了伤创疤痕时,才能够指望它舒适、安适地住于当下,升起真如明辨。Only if the mind is free of wounds and scars can it be expected to settle down comfortably and freely in the present, and to give rise to undistorted discernment.

导向孔箱体和单反射式带通箱在产生高声压级的不失真低频输出方面也做得很好,这也是由于在这个频率范围内减少了锥盆的运动。The ported enclosure and the single-reflex bandpass also do a very good job producing high-levels of undistorted bass output, again due to reduced cone motion in this frequency range.