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当你还是少年时?When you were teen?

当我还是少年时,我曾听过他演讲。I heard him speak when I was teen.

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为什么少女未婚先孕的比例仍在上升Why Teen Pregnancies Are on the Rise

六名十三四岁的姑娘在舞台上亮相。Six girls in their early teen appeared.

或者也许那仅仅只是“青春期焦虑”。Perhaps it was no more than "teen angst".

所有歌迷会会员都跟随侧田主义。All Teen Fanmily members follow justinism.

把一个青少年明星惹毛了可并不好玩。Hell hath no fury like a teen star scorned.

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那位青少年逃离了某个一夫多妻的社区。The teen escaped from a polygamist community.

NSYNC逐渐成为国际级青少年的偶像。NSYNC went on to become international teen idols.

16岁的王源是一个流行音乐明星,有几百万粉丝。Wang, 16, is a teen pop-star with millions of fans.

童年是梦幻的,而少年时光则是神秘的。Childhood is about magic, but teen is about mystery.

当然,事实证明,她就是一个痴迷足球的少女。Of course, as it turns out, she is a soccer-mad teen.

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荧屏大爆炸时代是有确切资料的可以证明的。The explosion in teen screen time is well-documented.

到了青少年时期,幸福的概念就变了。In the teen -age years the concept of happiness changes.

安娜和马克斯是一对富有创造力的年轻情侣,他们住在一起。Anna and Max are a teen fictive pair experience together.

柯克·帕尔莫是世界上收入最高的少年演员之一。Keke Palmer is one of the highest paid teen TV actresses.

内穆尔基金会,更多关于青少年性健康。The Nemours Foundation has more about teen sexual health.

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若低于第5个百分点则是偏轻。A teen below the 5th percentile is considered underweight.

我在哪里可以观看青少年网上免费电影狼充分流?Where can I watch Teen Wolf movie online free full stream?

许多儿童患者在十几岁时可自愈。Many children outgrow absence seizures in their teen years.