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我知道你肚子饿,马。I know you're hungry, Mart.

数据集市的建模是终端用户驱动的。Data mart modeling is end-user-driven.

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旺路膜型展销尖将于星期五举行。A model railway mart will held on Friday.

设计数据仓库和数据集市。Designing the data warehouse and data mart.

所有其他的表格都显示了来自数据集市的数据。All other tables display data from the data mart.

我开车到超级一流世界,图的是换油快点。The Mart I'm referring to for a quick oil change.

我听说麦嘉百货现在有些不错的优惠活动。I hear that Mega Mart has some great deals right now.

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义乌国际商贸城是一个现代化大市场。Yiwu International Trade Mart is a modernized market.

数据集市的建模是由业务需求驱动的。Data mart modeling is driven by business requirements.

近年来市场上紫皮蒜不多见。Purple garlic is infrequent on the mart in recent years.

而德国选手托尼落后第二名1分钟12秒第三个完成了比赛。Germany's Tony Mart in finished in third at 1'12" beh ind."

我真是迫不及待想给你看看,我在ABC大卖场买回来的。I can't wait to show them to you. I got them from ABC Mart.

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在一间本地的超市里,两位女士推着半满的购物车。At a regional supermarket, two women move half-filled mart carts.

您可以将数据集市想做是存储库数据的一个缓存。You can think of the data mart as a cache of the repository data.

我们俩都在好又多购物时,撞见了彼此。We bumped into each other when we were shopping in the Trust Mart.

当我去超市购物的时候我并不知道我结正在那拍摄。I didn't know know WGM filming was going on when I went to the mart.

数据集市是一个巨大的“超市”的数据仓库,由数家公司。A data mart is a giant "superstore" of data warehouses from several companies.

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验证数据集市设计没有违背任何业务安全性设置。Verify that the data mart design does not violate any business security settings.

数据集市中的业务数据只能来自业务数据仓库。The business data in the data mart can only come from the business data warehouse.

在义期间,代表团成员还参观了国际商贸城、梦娜控股集团等地。Besides, the delegation visited the International Trade Mart and Mengna Holding Co.