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如果没有水流出,说明阀门不起作用。If no water flows, valve is inoperative.

传真机接收功能运行不正常。The Fax machine is inoperative for receiving.

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我们操作系统故障,偏航阻尼器不工作了。We have got control problem, yaw damper inoperative.

我们操作系统故障,偏航阻尼器不工作了。We have got control problem, yaw damper inoperative.

直到今天地球都没有不活动的时候。The down to date the Earth all has no inoperative time.

我们通过我们的想法是一不能实行养路费。We passed what we thought was an inoperative road toll.

结果在这一个网站上的一些功能可能提出不活动的。As a result some functions on this web site may render inoperative.

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简而言之,信用创造的机制受到阻滞,美联储的货币政策无法发挥作用。In short, the credit creation mechanism clogs up and becomes inoperative.

从那里开始它用缆车进行牵引至太白山脉下的高原,现已废弃。From there it climbed by cable car, now inoperative , to a plateau in the shadow of the Taebek Mountains.

某些自然产生的矿物质沉淀可能附着在阀门上,堵塞水路,造成阀门不起作用。Certain naturally occurring mineral deposits may adhere to the valve, blocking waterways, rendering it inoperative.

在变更管理过程中,数据库包可能不可用,并且统计信息也有可能不准确。During the change management process, database packages might become inoperative and statistics might become inaccurate.

间当地政府的合作和资源共享授权在LGC已经失效和继续开发。The inter-local government cooperation and resource sharing authorized in the LGC have been inoperative and remain untapped.

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奥西拉克只是一座孤立的、守卫不严的、不起作用的核工厂,早年还被伊朗空袭破坏。Osirak was a lone, poorly guarded, and inoperative nuclear plant that had a year earlier been damaged by an Iranian airstrike.

他进而又开始对我说起飞机的机械学原理,以及在转轮无法正常运作的情况下强行着陆会发生什么。He proceeded to talk to me about the mechanics of an airplane and what would happen in a crash landing with inoperative wheels.

两颗卫星中,一颗是美国1997年发射的商用卫星,另一颗是俄罗斯1993年发射的卫星,后一颗卫星已经报废。The collision involved a commercial satellite, which was launched in 1997, and an inoperative Russian satellite launched in 1993.

不仅如此,一些地位高的猴子开始更经常地为地位低的专家梳理毛发。Further, some high-ranking individuals started grooming specialists more often, even during periods when the machine was inoperative.

最后他再加入一种能够产生大量名为卵泡抑素的蛋白质的基因,它能够附在肌生成抑制素蛋白表面,导致其失效。Finally, he has added a gene that causes overproduction of another protein, follistatin. This binds to myostatin and renders it inoperative.

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识别哪些视图、函数、过程和触发器在变更后不起作用,哪些视图、函数、过程和触发器在变更后还起作用Identify which views, functions, procedures, and triggers are rendered inoperative by the changes and which ones are still operative after the change

然而,由于起重机的自动安全负荷指示器在抽出工作前已被关掉,因此它并无发出任何听得到或观察得到的警号。However, its automatic safe load indicator did not give off any audible and visible warning signal for it had been rendered inoperative before the extraction work.

灯塔、灯船、标杆、浮标及一切有关航行标志之位置变更,或应发之灯号、信号、声号、失去常态或作用者。Any change of position of a lighthouse, light boat, guidepost, buoy and aid to navigation, or any abnormal or inoperative light, signal and sound supposed to be made.