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真想在询问中显露。The truth emerged at the inquest.

法官在作裁决前等待验尸官的调查。The judge awaits the coroner's inquest before giving a verdict.

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至于我呢,我要用他们所不具备的其它感觉来寻求答案。But, as for me, I come to the inquest with other senses than they possess.

经过审讯,他供认了他是这个犯罪团伙的主谋。By inquest , he fessed that he was the chief instigator of this crime group.

一份调查报告说,管理层没有遵守爆炸物工厂的安全措施。An inquest said management disregarded safety measures at the explosives plant.

但八月份,一个警察来录口供时,给我看了几张照片。But in August a policeman came to brief me before the inquest and to show me the pictures.

而在持续两周的调查中得知,在某些情况下,警官们可以偏离标准行为指导。The two-week inquest heard that officers could deviate from standard guidance in some circumstances.

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在研讯中,如证人回答某问题可能导致他入罪,则他不须回答该问题。No witness at an inquest shall be obliged to answer a question if to do so would tend to incriminate him.

审查在立即进行,要求博莱蒂耶和劳埃德的免职之声,一浪高过一浪。The inquest started immediately, with widespread calls for Draper and Lloyd to be removed from their posts.

阿克毛的亲属已给英国外交大臣戴维·米利班德写信催促他对此事展开调查。Akmal Shaikh's relatives have written to the Foreign Secretary David Miliband urging him to order an inquest.

死因裁判法庭会就死亡个案进行研讯,研究死亡个案的原因及有关情况。The Coroner's Court conducts inquest and inquires into the causes of and circumstances connected with the death.

这是Cook对1988年直布罗陀枪击事件中被特别空勤队残忍杀害的爱尔兰共和军成员的研训的回应。This was Cook’s response to the inquest into the ruthless killing of IRA members by the SAS in Gibraltar in 1988.

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政府法医说他自杀身亡,反贪委员会官员在死因调查庭中扮演无辜者。State medical examiners say its suicide while the anti-graft officers are playing innocent at the inquest hearing.

今天一场死因聆讯指出,一名妇女走过一块田地时,因被奶牛踩踏而受到致命伤。A woman suffered fatal injuries when she was trampled by cows as she walked across a field, an inquest heard today.

共和党已经开始审视自己,审问为什么这周将要进行的大选的预期会遭遇重大打击。THE Republican Party has already begun an inquest into what it expects will be a heavy defeat at the polls this week.

之后他被引入一个房间,房间里面其他的陪审员在自顾自地说话,消磨等待验尸的时间。He is directed to a room in which the other jurors are talking among themselves as they wait for the inquest to begin.

过后他女朋友对陪审团说,克里斯丁是她认识的人中最快乐的一个,他“爱耍脸皮,很率真,而且容易兴奋。”Afterward his girlfriend told an inquest that Christian was the happiest person she knew "cheeky spontaneous excitable."

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他们说没有任何独立目击者在审理中声称看见了破碎的玻璃或者被固定在窗外的脚。They say none of the independent witnesses at the inquest said they saw broken glass or feet sticking out of the window.

讯问论辩是犯罪嫌疑人和讯问人员之间进行的追究与反追究的一种论辩。Inquest debate is a kind of debate of running and against running between the criminal suspect and the inquest personnel.

死因裁判法庭会就死亡个案进行研讯,研究死亡个案的原因及有关情况。A public officer whose primary function is to investigate by inquest any death thought to be of other than natural causes.