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你们可以派个技术员过来吗?Could you send a technician round?

他是我厂的技术员。He is a technician of our factory.

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一个技术人员计划安装一个毂。One technician proposes installing a hub.

环境科学和环保技术师Environmental Science and Protection Technician

我们可以给您派一个技术员过去,但费用比较贵。We can send a technician 12, but it's expensive.

如果你感到太过不舒服,请告诉技术员。If you have too much discomfort, tell the technician.

一名技术娴熟的技师训练他们如何驾驶坦克。A highly skilled technician trained them to drive tank.

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她表演时一位技术人员进行解释。A technician made the explanation while she demonstrated.

为什么你要决定成为一名拆弹专家呢?Why did you ever decide to become a bomb squad technician?

上周,有线电视的技术员来上门服务。Last week, the cable service technician arrived at our door.

技术人员正在把一段数码影像连接到显示器中。The technician was cueing a digital video clip on his monitor.

她就是著名的第一代女盲人钢琴调律师陈燕。She is Chen Yan, the first generation piano technician in China.

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安全员应由经验丰富的切割员或切割工程技术人员担任。The safety officer shall be an experienced technician or engineer.

技术人员在Endura系统的触摸屏界面上工作。A technician works on the touchscreen interface of an Endura system.

培训维修技术员,关于产品概念,原理和电路图。Train repair technician on product concept, theory, circuit diagram.

对技术分析来讲,买卖业务量和持仓量同价格一样重要。Volume and open interest are as important to the technician as price.

两年前她去看他时,发现他在一家医院当实验室技术员。A former doctor in his own country, he wasworking as a lab technician.

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Kellerman和一个技术员仔细地观察着录像。Samantha Brinker, Kellerman, and a technician watch the video closely.

他的技术人员拿着一个皮氏培养皿,里面装着曼越橘色的石花菜培养基。His technician held up a petri dish with a cranberry-colored agar base.

实验室的技术人员告诉我,她将一个脑电图描述器放在我头上。The lab technician tells me she's going to place an EEG cap on my head.