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我几乎都想以暗讽之名起诉软银了。I almost feel like suing Softbank for the insinuation.

他于1981年创立软银,作为软件和媒体的发行商。He started Softbank in 1981 as a publisher of software and media.

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周四,东京的苹果门店和软库分支机构外排起了长队。Lines were forming Thursday at Apple stores and Softbank outlets in Tokyo.

软银虽然总部设在日本,但在美国有深厚的根基。Although it has its headquarters in Japan, SoftBank has deep roots in the United States.

马云没有获得阿里巴巴集团董事会的同意,雅虎和软库分别拥有一个董事会席位。Mr. Ma hadn't obtained approval from Alibaba Group's board, on which Yahoo and Softbank each has a seat.

阿里巴巴和雅虎拒绝对该协议置评,路透无法立即获得软库的评论.Alibaba and Yahoo declined to comment on the agreement. Softbank was not immediately available for comment.

他哈哈大笑起来,补充说软银股东可能比雅虎的股东对风险承受能力更强。With a laugh, he added that shareholders of Softbank might have more tolerance for risk than Yahoo’s shareholders.

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雅虎称,正与阿里巴巴和软库展开"积极而有建设性的"对话,"以期保留其全部持股".Yahoo said it is in "active and constructive" talks with Alibaba and Softbank "to preserve the integrity" of its stake.

软银和苹果肯定会花一大笔市场运作费用,确保每一个日本人了解他们的新产品。Softbank and Apple will surely spend a lot of marketing money to make sure every Japanese will know about their new product.

而日本软银董事长孙正义也被指为“和乔布斯一样有不安分、爱挑战的企业家精神”。And Japan's Softbank President Sun Zhengyi also referred to as" like Jobs is restless, love challenges the entrepreneur spirit".

软银称,机器人的目的是帮助人们成长,提高他们的生活和关系,并有乐趣与它的用户。SoftBank says the aim of the robot is to help people grow, to enhance their lives and relationships, and to have have fun with its users.

孙正义,软银集团主席兼行政总裁、雅虎日本公司代表董事及总裁。Son Masayoshi is the chairman and chief executive of Softbank Corporation and representative director and president of Yahoo Japan Corporation.

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在软银此次出售阿里巴巴股票,降低债务之后,一些债券持有者担心孙正义会利用部分现金继续并购。Alibaba shares in Softbank the for sale, reduce debt, some bondholders worry son will use part of the cash continue to mergers and acquisitions.

然而周日,这两个公司宣布他们将联合另一个阿里巴巴股东即日本软银公司一起解决争端。The two companies on Sunday, however, said they would work with another Alibaba shareholder, Japan’s Softbank Corporation, to resolve the issue.

其中一家专注于发展缓慢的国内电信业务,而另一家专注于打理软银在海外的投资业务。One focus on the slow development of the domestic telecommunications business, while another focus on the care of Softbank in overseas investment business.

如果有一个人掌握着美国互联网的未来,它可能就是孙正义,53岁的软银创始人。If there is one person who holds the key to the future of the American Internet also-ran, it may be Mr. Son, the 53-year-old billionaire founder of Softbank.

坊间传闻,软银还试图收购境况不佳的梦工场动画公司,不过据说该计划最终流产了。SoftBank also was rumored to have attempted to acquire the ailing film studio DreamWorks Animation, a deal that was said to collapse just before it was done.

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分析人士称,这笔现金允许软银创始人孙正义偿还公司一部分债务,并赋予公司继续寻去并购的能力。Analysts said this cash allow Softbank founder Masayoshi son company to repay part of the debt, and give the company continue to seek mergers and acquisitions.