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最古老的版画制作形式是木刻版画。The oldest form of printmaking is the woodcut.

这本身就是对传统木刻版画的创新。This is an innovation for traditional printing of woodcut.

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“祥巴”,藏语音译,意为木刻版画。Xiangba is the transliteration of woodcut from Tibetan language.

就全国的木刻运动而言,客家人在诸多方面开了先河。Hakka people once played a positive role in the woodcut movement.

西洋木刻图片中,可见以「珠」计「算」的方式。Weatern woodcut shows how calculations were performed with beads.

传统版画在明代发展到了鼎盛时期。Traditional printing of woodcut developed its flouring at Ming Dynasty.

第三,雕版佛画影响到后世木刻年画。Third, the Buddhist woodblock woodcut painting affect the later paintings.

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它,葡萄酒,它木刻的纹理,从来没有失败使人们挨饿。It had that vintage, woodcut texture to it that never fails to make people hungry.

主讲人董长英先生长期研究新加坡木刻版画艺术。The speaker Mr. Tong Siang Eng is a long-time researcher of woodcut art in Singapore.

上海豫园,艺术家在出售木雕的奥巴马头像作品。An artist displays woodcut portraits of US President Obama at the Yu Gardens in Shanghai.

鲁迅先生一生热爱美术作品,对版画中木刻兴趣尤甚。Luxun had deep love for artistic works all his life, especially in woodcut of block print.

作品为木版画,由艺术家手工印制,展示了斯堪的纳维亚人的习惯。The work is a woodcut and printed by the artist. The concept is the Scandinavian way of human beings.

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木刻版画印刷术早在第五世纪就被用于中东的布料设计中。Woodcut prints may have been used in the Middle East as early as the fifth century to make cloth designs.

杨家埠木版年画始于明朝末年,繁荣于清代,迄今已有四百多年的历史,是我国著名的三大民间年画之一。It has been famous at home and abroad for its abundant woodcut new year pictures from ancient times to the present.

木版画原始的手工雕刻为现代陶瓷的装饰增添了新的变革启示。The woodcut primitive carving has increased the new transformation enlightenment for advanced ceramics' decoration.

“弗斯自由报”是达达主义的范围由持蜡烛的启发,具体时间由木刻字体用于解决这一问题。"Vers Libre" is a range of candle holders inspired by Dadaism and specifically by the woodcut fonts used around that time.

就作者的专业角度而言,这些领域包括封面装帧设计、书刊版面装帧、书文插图和木刻漫画四个方面。From the professional viewpoint of the author, these areas include cover design, page layout, illustrations and woodcut cartoons.

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这是一个长期被遮蔽的新兴木刻运动史上的特殊形态,也是一个颇堪玩味的特殊现象。This is an interesting art phenomena in the history of the Chinese Reborn Woodcut Movement but was concealed in the past decades.

第二部分,具体阐述了杨家埠木版年画丰富多样的表现手法。In the second part, the author makes a specific description of the various expression techniques of Yangjiabu woodcut New Year Pictures.

内容取材于四福书的耶稣生平事迹,形式为晚明流行的版画连环画。This work takes the life story of Jesus from Gospels, and it follows a popular style of woodcut engraving comic books in late Ming dynasty.