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蓬乱的头发,标志性的。Tousled hair, tick.

请在下面适当的空格打钩。What makes him tick?

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给你已经吃过的东西打上勾。Tick the ones you have had.

看图,读句子,打勾或打叉。Look read and tick or cross.

听一听,并在表格里打勾。Listen and tick in the table.

他对音乐的爱使本人倍受鼓舞。His love of music makes him tick.

预防壁蝨与跳蚤的产品。Flea and tick prevention products.

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听,然后把你听到的单词打勾。Listen and tick the word you hear.

美国信用降级的时钟开始发出滴答声。The downgrade clock began to tick.

直达车的票价是多少?How much is the through train tick?

人生苦短,光阴似箭。Life is short.Tick tock, tick tick.

听并且盘旋壁虱或十字架?Listen and circle the tick or cross?

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请在你的名字下打一个勾。Please put a tick against your name.

如果你是素食者,请划勾。Please tick if you are a vegetarian.

听录音,勾出正确的图片。Listen and tick the correct pictures.

请在每个名字旁边打勾。Please make a tick next to each name.

在名单上他在她的名字旁打了一个勾号。He put a tick by her name on the list.

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他是那个让U18更出色的人。He is the man that makes the U18s tick.

紧接在他名字后面的是一个小对号。Opposite his own name was a small tick.

听,打对勾,整体对照。Please listen and tick the right words.