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终于我结束了我为期九周的护理及助产的实习。Finally, I have finished my 9-week placement for both nursing and midwifery.

亨特的弟子威廉·希彭成功地将男性助产士引入北美。Hunter’s pupil William Shippen successfully introduced male midwifery to America.

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斯梅利改良了产钳,并写下了实用的助产术手册。Smellie improved the forceps and wrote a bestselling practical midwifery handbook.

目的探讨气囊助产在臀位分娩中的临床应用价值。Objective To investigate the airbag midwifery breech delivery in the clinical application.

肩难产被大多数医生认为是产科或助产的急症。Shoulder dystocia is considered an obstetric or midwifery emergency by most practitioners.

结论舒乐助产模式,有利于产科质量的提高,值得推广。Conclusion Shule midwifery will help improve the quality of obstetric, it is worth promoting.

目的研究全程助产联合硬膜外自控镇痛用于分娩镇痛的效果。Objective To investigate the effect of whole midwifery with patient-controlled epidural analgesia.

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最终,科学革命得以发生,范式传统的限定性因素孕育出新范式。At last, science revolution emerges, the limitative factor of paradigms could midwifery a new paradigm.

方法自2003年始,在原有产程处理、护理原则、工作内容的基础上,规范助产行为。Methods Since 2003, midwifery was standardized in birth process, nursing principle and nursing practice.

她能在那儿找个接生的工作,从事真主阿拉为她选择的职业。She would be able to establish her midwifery practice there, pursuing the calling Allah had chosen for her.

目的探讨规范助产工作在降低新生儿窒息发生率中的作用。Objective To explore the effectiveness of standardized midwifery in reducing occurrence of asphyxia in neonates.

此外,必须增加新的资源来招募、培训和保留更多的具有助产技能的卫生工作者。Further, new resources must be raised to recruit, train and retain additional health workers with midwifery skills.

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来自阿富汗巴达克汗省各地的年轻女性在首都法扎巴德学习一年半的接生术。Young women from all over Afghanistan's Badakhshan Province study midwifery for eighteen months in the capital city of Faizabad.

电子商务及信息技术的发展催生了网络银行,世界各大银行纷纷触网,开辟网络金融业务。Electronic commerce and information technology are the midwifery of network bank. Lots of banks have tapped network financial business.

该司已经为助产培训制定了教育的模块,并在世卫组织的区域提供关于助产教育的师资培训。It has developed educational modules for midwifery training and offers training for trainers in midwifery education in the regions of WHO.

在工业化国家,20世纪早期,通过提供专业助产士护理降低了孕产妇死亡率。Industrialized countries halved their maternal mortality ratios in the early 20th century by providing professional midwifery care at childbirth.

可以看到,一些受到西方影响的出版品,鼓励妇女节育,也鼓励产妇到医院生产,甚至提倡学习日本给予既有的产婆专业化训练。Some of these publications encourage women to practice birth control and give birth in hospitals, and even advocate the Japanese system of professionalizing midwifery.

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“助产术”在现代教学中的有为在于教师素质的提高、知识观和教学组织形式的突破。The significance of intellectual midwifery in modern teaching lies in the improvement of teachers' quality, and the innovation of knowledge view and teaching organization form.

促进妇女获得高质量助产服务已成为全球努力的一个焦点,力争使每位妇女在怀孕和分娩期间都能获得最佳医疗保健服务。Increasing women's access to quality midwifery has become a focus of global efforts to realize the right of every woman to the best possible health care during pregnancy and childbirth.

这也意味着要为助产工作提供更多的激励措施,比如满意的薪筹待遇、提高其在卫生系统的地位、受到尊重以及职业发展的机会。This also means providing more incentives to work in midwifery such as satisfactory pay scales, improved status and respect within the health system and career advancement opportunities.