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他把自己关在里面。He barred himself in.

她把自己关在里面。She barred herself in.

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他们禁止她参加。They barred her participating.

我们所在的银河系以及我们的紧邻仙女座星系都属于涡旋状星系,而银河系又是一个棒旋星系。The Milky Way is a barred spiral.

没有让记者采访这次宴会。Newsmen were barred from the party.

母亲把孩子们关在屋外。The mother barred the children out.

雨点停了,黑云铺匀了满天。The sky was barred with black clouds.

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他又跑到客店,客店的门又拴上了。He ran to the inn. The door was barred.

记者们被拦在法庭门外。Reporters were barred from the courtroom.

当波状的云把将逝的一天映照While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day

野生动物保护区内禁止狩猎。Hunters are barred from wildlife sanctuaries.

旗子上饰以红、蓝色丝带。The flag is barred with red and blue ribbons.

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当片片浮云把缓缓将逝的一天照映。While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day.

牛仔裤、迷你裙和运动鞋都是被禁止的。Jeans, miniskirts, and sport shoes are barred.

他们把记者关在法庭门外。They barred the reporters out of the courtroom.

它看起来是一个旋涡星系,但可能是一个棒旋星系。It appears as a spiral galaxy, which may be barred.

这栅栏是木桩和带刺铁丝筑成的。The fence was made of wooden posts and barred wire.

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地下室的窗户被封上了,以防窃贼。The basement windows were barred up against burglars.

盘子的边上点缀着蓝边。The plates are barred with blue stripes round the edge.

齐默尔曼就不该被允许携带枪支。Zimmerman could have been barred from carrying a weapon.