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命运无形的手在命运的棋盘上操控。Destiny's invisible hand moving pieces on a chessboard.

命运无形的手在命运的棋盘上操控。Destiny's invisible hand moving pieces on a chessboard.

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幼虫的最佳抽样方法为棋盘式。The most ideal sampling method is the chessboard sampling.

他无聊地敲着棋子,灯灰震落在棋盘上,心中有些失落。Bored tapping piece, light gray fall down on the chessboard.

数学上,棋盘格具有“着色对称性”。Mathematically, the chessboard pattern has ‘colour symmetry’.

我们可以把棋下在棋盘上64个方格的任意一格内。We can move on the chessboard under 64 box at the arbitrary one box.

该棋由若干粒棋子和一个棋盘组成。The utility model is composed of a plurality of chessmen and a chessboard.

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对于意欲征服意大利的半个欧洲而言,这里就像个活棋盘。Italy was a living chessboard for the ambitions of half of Europe in those days.

在巴林塔瓦克火车站附近的一处立交桥上,我看见桥下如棋盘般的铁皮屋顶。On the flyover near Balintawak station, I peer down at a chessboard of tin roofs.

你也应该看一个有修养的下棋者把棋子放在棋盘上的样子。One should also watch a cultivated chess-player put his stones on the chessboard.

我不会允许中产阶级家庭像围棋盘上的兵卒一样被威胁。And I will not allow middle class families to be treated like pawns on a chessboard.

很明显,北京认为南中国海地区是地缘政治角逐的重要战场。Clearly, Beijing considers the South China Sea a vital square in its geopolitical chessboard.

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如果你移开连成斜线的相对的2个方格,那么无法盖住棋盘。If you remove two diagonally opposite corners, it will be impossible to cover the chessboard.

这种整体肌理的胡同-四合院形态,是元大都棋盘式城市格局的真实片段。This alleyway-quadrangle complex is the true fragment of Yuan Dadu city structure in chessboard shape.

假设你要用多米诺骨牌去盖一副国际象棋,每个多米诺骨牌刚好能盖2个方格。Imagine you are trying to cover a chessboard with pieces of domino each that covers exactly two squares.

不过,在开始时,对角线上的纸牌是棋盘格的相反朝向。However, when you started, the cards on the diagonal were the wrong way up compared to the chessboard pattern.

了解如何创建剪纸在这个自由的艺术和手工艺的一课视频桌面棋盘剪纸。Learn how to cut paper to create a decoupage of a tabletop chessboard in this free arts and crafts video lesson.

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设计了一种采用Z80最小系统实现的黑白棋盘信号发生器。Inthis paper, the design of black and white chessboard signal generator by the smallest system of Z80 has been give.

棋格食盘组以”分享”、”互动”与”乐趣”为分子组合成一套新型态的食盘。Our Chessboard Desert Dish Set blend "sharing", "interaction" and "joys" and transform into a new style of desert dishes.

了解如何使剪纸边界创建一个桌面棋盘在这个自由的艺术和手工艺剪纸课视频。Learn how to make a decoupage border to create a decoupage of a tabletop chessboard in this free arts and crafts video lesson.