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这里是固定座位的吗?Is there assigned seating?

我们没有固定座位表。We don't have fixed seating chart.

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舒适的空调座位车厢。Comfortable air-conditioned seating cars.

可坐可站使用,适合站立工作人士。For Seating & Standing, Fit for stand to work.

下汽缸和轴承座找正。Alignment of bottom casing and bearing seating.

钨铬钴合金6阀座面,使用寿命更长。Stellite 6 seating faces for long service life.

适用于中低压力的平面阀座表面。Flat seating faces for low and medium pressures.

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开学第一天把座位排好。N. 1. Assigns seating on the first day of school.

非也,它是“专为现代趴趴走族设计的座椅设备”。No, it's a "seating device for the modern nomad."

各餐厅的座位数和面积是多少?The seating capacity and areas of the restaurants?

这节车厢定员120人。This carriage has a seating capacity of 120 people.

他无视精心布置的晚餐座位He ignored carefully-crafted seating plans at dinner.

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较高的座椅位置使入口和出口容易。A high seating position makes ingress and egress easy.

在课桌旁坐好后,他开始看杂志。Seating himself at the desk, he began to read a magazine.

阀座密封负载和紧密性与反压力相关。Seating load and tightness is dependent on back pressure.

砌体座椅和钳工邀请和欢迎访客。Masonry seating and benchwork invite and welcome visitors.

科勒重新装饰了试听室,空间中安置了1960年产的皮革面椅。Kollar refreshed the TV room's 1960's seating with leather.

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不,坐在会场里的观众会太近了!No, the guest seating in the live-house would be too close!

座位优先权会给那些在候补名单上的学生。Priority in seating will be given to those on the waitlist.

我负责搬坐垫上屋顶平台。I carry seating mattresses and bolsters up to the flat roof.