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困境给人很大的难题。The dilemma presented quite a poser.

人们在一英里之外都可以闻到装腔作势的人的气味。People can smell a poser from a mile away.

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准备掌握所有波塞尔8强大的功能。Get ready to master all the powerful features of Poser 8.

杜牧是晚唐时期著名的诗人与散文家。Du Mu is a famous poet and poser in the late Tang Dynasty.

这也是一道哲学问题吗不,事实上,这是一道针对医学系学生的问题。It's actually a poser for medical students, who we hope all know the correct answer.

不,事实上,这是一道针对医学系学生的问题。Nope. It's actually a poser for medical students, who we hope all know the correct answer.

也有一些是熟悉的平庸的谜太多,以及在其波塞尔的怪事。There is something familiar in the banality of the riddle too, and in the weirdness of its poser.

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被人称为是自大的人是对我们非常恶劣的侮辱,这说明你不仅仅是个失败者,还是个装腔作势的人。Being called arrogant is a terrible slur, it means that you're not only a failure, but a poser as well.

人类所具有无限的认知能力,是一个远未理解的难题,现尚缺乏生理学数据。Human beings infinite cognitive ability is a far unsolved poser largely due to the shortage of physiological data.

姿态控制需要对惯性飞轮做四象限力矩伺服控制。The poser controlling system of the fly-wheel needs to be realized by means of four-quadrant torque servo control.

“斯密难题”并不昭示某种矛盾,斯密认为经济人和道德人是内在统一的。Smith poser didn't declare publicly contradiction, but it pointed out economic person and moral person were consistent.

删除领假消除波塞尔错误和纠正,通过数字高地上建立多运动少腿的脚。Removing Neck dummy eliminates Poser error and correcting figure height creates less foot through floor and odd leg movement.

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最佳答案是那些国有作曲家偷了这首歌,政府里没有人意识到这首歌是什么。The best possible answer was that some State-owned poser stole the song and nobody else in the government realized what it was.

文中当代德国著名技术哲学家波塞尔教授认为,就技术哲学是与工程哲学的关系而言,尚无必要把二者划分为两个相互对立的研究领域。Prof. Poser believes that it is not necessary to divide philosophy of technology and philosophy of engineering into two independent fields on their relationship.

养老问题是长期困扰许多国家的一个社会性难题,也是我国构建和谐社会需要解决好的一个现实问题。Annuity problem is a social poser that puzzles many countries for a long time, and is also a reality problem to be solved for China to build a harmonious society.

“波泽8揭晓”助您解决所有的基本技能,你需要创建,渲染,并使用简单而复杂的工具集由波泽8提供动画场景。"Poser 8 Revealed" helps you tackle all the essential skills you need to create, render, and animate scenes using the simple yet sophisticated toolset offered by Poser 8.

养老问题是长期困扰许多国家的社会难题,也是我国构建和谐社会需要解决的重要现实问题。Pension problem is a social poser that puzzles many countries for a long time, and it is also an important realistic problem to be solved for our country to build a harmonious society.

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作曲家从旋律、调性以及钢琴伴奏等方面阐述了他是怎样运用音乐语言来突出歌曲的戏剧性,同时又保留了歌曲的音乐性。From the direction of melody, tonality and piano accompaniment, the com poser expounds how he used music language to stress the dramatic nature and reserved the musical nature of the song.

你会提出的波塞尔8权力工作作为你学习如何构成和位置的数字,模拟布,创建动态的发型,包括道具,人物动画,渲染场景,等等等等。You'll put the power of Poser 8 to work as you learn how to pose and position figures, simulate cloth, create dynamic hair styles, incorporate props, animate figures, render scenes, and so much more.