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我非常热爱京戏。I love it awfully.

我的头发长得非常非常快。My hair grows awfully fast.

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他极爱开玩笑。He is awfully fond of jesting.

对此次迟误,我感到很似的抱歉。I'm awfully sorry about the delay.

它小得可怜,却又吵得要命。It was so small and awfully noisy.

这把罐头刀很不好使。This tin-opener is awfully fiddly.

这些都太简单了对不对?These are still awfully simple. OK?

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对付我的粗心大意我非常歉仄。I'm awfully sorry for my carelessness.

他们对于由此带来的不便深表歉意。They are awfully sorry for the inconvenience.

过去农业遭到严重忽视。Agriculture was awfully neglected in the past.

不过,另一辆车里的男人非常生气。But the man in the other car was awfully angry.

他非常喜欢音乐,也会唱一点。He was awfully fond of music and sang a little.

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很抱歉,我只有小号的样稿。I'm awfully sorry, I only have a small size proof.

我真厌倦了你的唠叨好吗?I'm getting awfully tired of your hullabaloo, okay?

不过如果真的是这样,那么她只能永无止境地等下去了。But if so, she could be in for an awfully long wait.

天热极了,我们身上都流满了汗。It's awfully hot and our bodies streamed with sweat.

很抱歉今天不能到校。I am awfully sorry that I cannot come to school today.

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孔子学而时习之,不亦乐乎?。Confucius learning proficiency for officialdom, awfully?

这全是我的错,我非常抱歉,请原谅。It's all my fault, I'm awfully sorry, please forgive me.

我把你的书给丢了,真是太抱散了。我会给你买一本的。I awfully sorry to have lost your book . I'll buy you one.