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这是有关人士的自由意志选择,珍惜自己的许多谁一起生活。This is the freewill choice of those concerned who treasure their many lives together.

耶和华阿,求你悦纳我口中的赞美为供物,又将你的典章教训我。Accept, I beseech thee, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O LORD, and teach me thy judgments.

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我们确实一直在维持平衡,不过必须允许一定程度的运用自由意志。We do keep the balance at all times, but have to allow a certain degree of freewill to operate.

这些情况下,您必须行使你的自由意志的权利,并声称你的主权。These are situations where you have to exercise your freewill rights and claim your sovereignty.

但除此之外,属灵的犹太人在拜神时还心甘情愿地奉献“礼物”。But over and above this, Godly Jews gladly offered "freewill offerings" when they went to wor ship.

上帝慈爱地照顾你们,但同时赋予你们自由意志,正如你们所愿的那样去体验。God takes loving care of you, but at the same time grants you freewill to experience exactly as you wish.

然而,在允许你们的自由意志的环境中,你们已经为你们自己的经历创造了条件。However, within the context of allowing you freewill you have created the conditions for your own experiences.

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这就使得我们以及其他光之存有可以自由的为你们提供帮助,而不会干涉你们的自由意志。That will allow us and other sources of Light a free hand to help you without seeming to interfere with your freewill.

造物主允许你实现你所有的欲望,自由意志是你最大的恩赐,当然我们也知道你会更加明智的使用它。The Creator provides for your every desire and freewill is your greatest gift, and we know that you will use it wisely.

如果你们反而掉进更暗的领域,我们不可能在不干扰你们的自由意志的情况下介入。If you had instead dropped lower into the darker realms, we could not have intervened without interfering with your freewill.

运营费采取吸收会员单位、收取会费解决,入会根据自愿原则。Operation expenses is adopted absorb membership due of member unit, collection to solve, initiate basis is freewill principle.

蟋蟀建议每天在你能量场里运作全部四种元素,以帮助你有意识自愿的提升选择。Cricket recommends working with all four elements through one's field daily to assist in the conscious freewill choice to ascend.

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自由意志在一些情况下有它自身的限制,并且如果你已经表明你的意愿去“扬升”,那么它就是一个神圣的决定。Freewill does have its limitations in some circumstances, and you have indicated your readiness to ascend and that is a sacred decision.

让我们也意愿祝福只去向那些能收到它们的人,容许生命之舞中每一个人自由意志的选择。Let us also intend that the blessings only go unto those who can receive them, allowing each their freewill choice in the dance of life.

在教师的控制下,学生丧失了他或她对其它路径之自愿的选择,除了教师自己所在的那条路。Under the control of the teacher the student loses his or her freewill choice of any path except the one that the teacher himself or herself is on.

你要照耶和华你神所赐你的福,手里拿着甘心祭,献在耶和华你的神面前,守七七节。Then celebrate the Feast of Weeks to the LORD your God by giving a freewill offering in proportion to the blessings the LORD your God has given you.

这是在耶和华的安息日以外,又在你们的供物和所许的愿,并甘心献给耶和华的以外。Beside the sabbaths of the LORD, and beside your gifts, and beside all your vows, and beside all your freewill offerings, which ye give unto the LORD.

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以色列人,无论男女,凡甘心乐意献礼物给耶和华的,都将礼物拿来,作耶和华借摩西所吩咐的一切工。All the Israelite men and women who were willing brought to the LORD freewill offerings for all the work the LORD through Moses had commanded them to do.

以色列人,无论男女,凡甘心乐意献礼物给耶和华的,都将礼物拿来,做耶和华籍摩西所吩咐的一切工。All the Israelite men and women who were willing brought to the Lord freewill offerings for all the work the Lord through Moses had commanded them to do.

利用分数傅立叶变换级次的任意性,提出了一种基于分数傅立叶域图象水印方案。It presents a blind image watermarking scheme based on fractional Fourier domain by utilizing that the order of fractional Fourier transform is freewill.