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这么一来,你会怎么猜想这些畸形的美国在线用户?So what would you guess about these aberrant AOL users?

目前在人类多种肿瘤的研究发现WIF-1表达异常。At present, aberrant WIF-1 activation is normal in several human tumors.

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过度的内质网应激将导致细胞损害和死亡。However, excessive or aberrant ER stress results in cell injury or death.

一部分患者的小关节可能存在异常的或其他的神经支配。Some people may have aberrant or additional innervation of the facet joints.

中耳腔之异位内颈动脉,文献报导极少。An aberrant internal carotid artery in the middle ear is a rare otological finding.

葡萄糖苷酶的活性异常可能与糖尿病、庞佩氏症等疾病有关。Aberrant activities have been implicated in diseases such as diabetes and Pompe disease.

以蚕豆根尖为材料,研究洗手液对蚕豆根尖细胞的致畸效应。This paper studied the aberrant effects of liquid soap on the root tip cells of Vicia faba.

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目的研究脆性组氨酸三联体基因异常转录与肝细胞癌的相关性。Objective To study the relationship between aberrant FHIT transcripts and hepatocellular carcinoma.

总而言之,鲸类是最奇特和最反常的哺乳动物。"The cetaceans are on the whole the most peculiar and aberrant of mammals, " he remarked peevishly.

FHIT基因异常转录可能是导致肝细胞癌形成的一个重要因素。FHIT aberrant transcripts may play an important role in the pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma.

内颈动脉异常路径是一种引起后咽部肿大的罕见原因。Aberrant internal carotid artery is a rare situation which may cause retropharyngeal space enlargement.

这些都是你并不希望发生的异常情况,并且一旦出现这些情况,你的程序必须要做出相应的处理。Oops. These are aberrant situations you hope won't happen, and yet if they do your program has to cope.

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罗伊斯顿山谷是块怪异之地,那儿的居民性格怪异,自认为是土著。Royston Valley is an aberration and its inhabitants, who consider themselves aboriginals, are aberrant.

异常的超变和异常的致癌基因BCL-6与淋巴瘤的发生具有相关性。Aberrant somatic hypermutation and deregulation of the oncogene BCL-6 is associated with lymphomagenesis.

至少,在一个遍布蜗牛餐馆的国度,快餐明显属于异类。At the very least, in a country where restaurants serve snails, fast food is clearly culturally aberrant.

一个异常的系统调用序列就是一个程序有漏洞或受到攻击的确凿证据。An aberrant system call sequence would be a dead giveaway that the program has a bug or is being attacked.

广泛的低甲基化和区域性高甲基化是基因异常表达的常见机制。Global hypomethylation and regional hypermethylation are common mechanisms of aberrant expression of gene.

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异常的滤泡形态除了有自发泄漏倾向外,也可能会出现囊状及无血管。Aberrant filtering bleb morphology also may be cystic and avascular as well as prone to spontaneous leakage.

较之今天,市场利率一月份令人心焦的狂泻绝非常态。The markets' extraordinarily low expected inflation in January was both aberrant and worrisome — not today's.

除了简单语法错误之外,服务器端错误在运行时将本身作为异常或异常行为进行展示。Server-side errors other than simple syntax errors exhibit themselves at runtime as exceptions or aberrant behavior.