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他划起船来就像北欧海盗一般。He could row like a Viking.

维京双重能力是便利的。The Viking dual ability is handy.

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“海盗号”报告了一个肯定的结果。Viking reports a positive result.

我们的海岸曾被威金族的海盗劫掠。Our coasts were preyed upon by Viking pirates.

两个海盗号探测器成功抵达了火星。The two Viking spacecraft reached Mars successfully.

大饭店自助餐。高木出场。大饭店杀人事件。Hotel Viking. Takagi appears. Murder case in the hotel.

我喜欢在它的中心的海盗,”拉纳说。I liked the Viking at the center of it, " Branagh says."

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两个海盗号轨道飞行器绘制出了火星大部分表面的地图。The two Viking orbiters made maps of much of the surface.

这些洞穴可以追溯到公元800年的维京时代。The caves date back to early Viking times in about 800 A.D.

这本小说是于1951年写成,1957年Viking出版的。It was written in 1951 and it was published in 1957 by Viking.

该船于7月1日从丹麦的海盗博物馆出发。The ship left the Viking Museum in Roskilde, Denmark, on July 1.

龙首战舰是十二世纪丹麦舰队的主力战舰。Dragon Boats are the command ships of 12th century Viking fleets.

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欧斯特曼剑士可溯源于维京战士,使用长剑盾牌进行厮杀。Soldiers of Viking origin competent in the use of sword and shield.

海盗号再次给两方面都提供了似是而非的佐证。" Viking" provided tantalizing support on both sides of the question.

少年西卡普的爸爸是一个脾气极为暴躁、留着红胡子的维京人。The boy, Hiccup, is the son of a toweringly gruff, red-bearded Viking.

然后由苏联火星2号着陆器在1971年和海盗号探测器于1976年。Then by the USSR's Mars 2 lander in 1971 and the Viking landers in 1976.

吁,我的维京朋友,请暂停--还有你的小蝌蚪。Well, hold your horses -- and your little swimmers -- my Viking friends.

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该词来源于古代斯堪的纳维亚语,本意用来指代维京战士。Berserk refers to an Old Norse word used to describe the Viking warriors.

背包像维京海盗的头盔一样,不应该带上拥挤的火车。A backpack is like a Viking helmet-neither should be worn on a crowed train.

“海盗1号”和“海盗2号”分别于1976年的7月20日和9月3日登陆火星。Viking 1 and Viking 2 landed on July 20 and September 3, 1976, respectively.