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那么摆脱困境的计划是什么呢?So what is the bailout plan?

你已经花费自己救急用的钱了吗?Already spent your bailout money?

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美国将未花的不良资产救助计划资金用于增加就业。US bailout money to be used to boost jobs.

于是每次救市是临时应对,伴随恐慌一片。So each bailout has been ad hoc and panicky.

我理解为什么汽车巨头需要政府救市。I understand why the car companies need want a bailout.

相信除非万不得已,不应由政府进行救援。Believes a government bailout should only be a last resort.

国际货币基金组织曾经是救火大王。The International Monetary Fund used to be the bailout king.

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政府出资干预,以使得该企业不至于破产倒闭。Government bailout had saved the business from going bankrupt.

救助计划会导致美国大举新发国债为救市举措筹资。The bailout plans will result in massive new issuance of U. S.

今年二月十日,他曾公布一个大略的银行援助计划。On Feb. 10, he had announced a less specific bank bailout plan.

所有这一切都表明,救市方案的批评家有理由感到强烈的不满。All this said, critics of the bailout have reason to be furious.

欧洲央行的财政援助可以保证近期内是不会的。Not any time soon -- the ECB's bailout package makes sure of that.

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国际货币基金组织提供的紧急援助可以帮助政府支付工资和养老金。An IMF-led bailout allowed the government to pay wages and pensions.

爱尔兰和葡萄牙也通过它们的经援获得相似的修整期。Ireland and Portugal will get similar breaks on their bailout loans.

实际上,这次的救助确实会解决通用的一些顽疾。The bailout will, in fact, solve several of G.M.’s biggest problems.

而利用政府的救助来简化以上这些步骤则是危险的。Short-cutting this process through a government bailout is dangerous.

所以金援只是把其他国家的资源转移到了希腊而已。Thus bailout merely transfers resources from other nations to Greece.

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拍卖行为在我看来就是出借方的一个紧急自救行为。It is hard for me to see this as anything other than a lender bailout.

这样的规则应能终结导致危机的飘忽不定的紧急救助政策。Such a rule would end the erratic bailout policy that leads to crises.

援助账单是一个权宜之计的经典范本。The bailout bill is a classic example of expediency over effectiveness.