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长满刺的龙虾试探着爬过海底。A spiny lobster shyly crawls across the seafloor.

如果大地震发生在水下,海底有的地方上抬,有的地方下沉。When large quakes occur underwater, the seafloor may heave or sink.

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这些成果的关键是在海底磁条模式。Critical to these results are magnetic stripe patterns in the seafloor.

海胆在海峡群岛附近的海底挥舞着它们的棘突。Sea urchins brandish their spines on the seafloor near the Channel Islands.

一只玳瑁龟鳍足像翅膀伸展在海底畅游。A hawksbill turtle swims just above the seafloor with flippers spread like wings.

这是海底可利用的稀土元素资源量首次得到确认。It is the first time attainable rare earth elements were confirmed on the seafloor.

在环绕大多数大陆的海底及内陆地区也能找到玄武岩。Basalt is also found on the seafloor surrounding most continents, as well as inland.

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大陆漂移、海底扩张是地球膨胀的直接结果。The earth's expansion may directly result in continent drift and seafloor spreading.

枕状熔岩是岩浆被缓缓推积至海底时形成的。Pillow lavas form when molten rock is pushed up onto the seafloor at a very slow rate.

因为,用地质学的角度来看,这个东西过于长而直了,和海底的任何东西都不太一样。It was too long and straight to be geologic. It was unlike anything else on the seafloor.

同理,海底的矿石中也含有比陆地上更多的金,锌和银。Pound for pound, seafloor ore also has more gold, zinc, and silver than land deposits do.

在此次例行探险的最后一次潜底时,扫描声纳在海底发现了一个大型物体。On the final dive of the trip, the scanning sonar detected a large object on the seafloor.

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林中地上随处有尖利的石块,很不容易躲开。The seafloor in this forest was strewn with sharp chunks of stone that were hard to avoid.

实际上,只有2%的海底区域在海面20,000英尺以下,那个地带都是幽深阴暗的海沟。In fact, only about 2 percent of the seafloor lies below 20,000 feet, in deep, muddy trenches.

他与研究小组设计的捞网,不用接触海底就可以捞取到扇贝。He and his team have designed a dredge that can dislodge scallops without touching the seafloor.

海洋表面传播的波浪在海水—海床的交界面处施加了循环波压力。When wave propagate over the ocean surface, a sequence of wave pressure is induced on the seafloor.

海底建筑工程将土推倒进海床中并利用炸药爆破洞口。Undersea construction operations drive piles into the seafloor and blast holes in it with explosives.

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他们的工作可以为与海底生物勘探有关的难题提供拨云见日之见。Their efforts can yield insights into the difficulties associated with bioprospecting on the seafloor.

但当其感受到威胁时,这种动物会紧紧地贴覆在海底岩石上,以保护其柔软的腹部。But when threatened, the animal will clamp down tightly on the seafloor to protect its soft underbelly.

日本计划测试开采方法,以从东京西南的海底获得甲烷水合物。Japan plans to test extraction methods to obtain methane hydrates from the seafloor southwest of Tokyo.