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记忆术对学英语很重要。Mnemonics is important in learning English.

我们要考一下记忆能力。So, we're going to have contests for mnemonics.

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这些记忆术迟早有用,好了。Those mnemonics sometimes come in handy. All right.

为了记住清单和数据,他利用首字母缩写和助记符的方法。To remember lists and data, he used acronyms and mnemonics.

而海报的美感以及可记忆性都统统交由字体和配色方案来处理了。Aesthetics and mnemonics are left mostly to font and color scheme.

但不必担心,对付这些单词你可以采取助记法。But don't worry. For these complicated words you can use mnemonics.

现在,记忆法被看成一种提高记忆力的行之有效的方法。Mnemonics are now considered an effective means of boosting memory.

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它用了jvm标准的操作码助记符名称。It uses the standard mnemonics for JVM opcodes as instruction names.

依照记忆术,人只有经过一次次的复习才不容易忘记。According to mnemonics , people often forget unless they review from time to time.

卡片记忆法是一种应用广泛,简单的方法。The mnemonics of the card is that a kind of application is extensive, simple method.

你可以使用记忆术来记清它们,我将T看成是加号。And you can use mnemonics to try to keep these straight I see the T as sort of a plus sign.

通过图片或记忆术,设法将零散的信息聚合为小的记忆块。Find ways to group information into smaller chunks of memory through pictures or mnemonics.

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我可以描述许多帮助我形成记忆的声音和形象。I can recount the sounds and shapes that act as the mnemonics for many of the things that help me remember.

后来汇编语言,这是刚才一套助记符用在地方的二进制机的指示。Then came assembly language, which is just a set of mnemonics used in place of the binary machine instructions.

在设计中利用了振荡源输出方波这一特性,实现了8N位二进制数的寄存及移位。The shift and mnemonics for 8N-bit binary number can be achieved by the square waves from an oscillator in design.

一种低阶程式语言,它容许程式设计员采用符号或助记忆符号代替功能代码。A low level programming language that permits the programmer to use mnemonics or symbolic codes for function codes.

各种各样的记忆法应时而生,帮助广大学习者记忆毫无意义的符号。Various mnemonics should be sometimes given birth to, help the masses of learner's symbols with meaningless memory.

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的说明是相同的,所述编码是相同的,这是只是改变了推荐的组装助记符。The instructions are the same, the encodings are the same, it's just the recommended assembly mnemonics that changed.

经过痛苦之后产生,这痛苦,他运用最有力的帮助去记忆,这痛苦的预期反过来破坏了。Nietzsche claims that conscience or the wills memory is bred through pain which he dubs the most powerful aid to mnemonics.

它以特殊的记忆形式进入说唱者的操演并不断加深、重现、重构或重造地方社会记忆。Special mnemonics are used in the narrator's performances, strengthening, re-presenting, and reconstructing local memories.