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黛博拉的惨死是个极端的悲剧。Deborah's horrific death was a rare tragedy.

那部影片中出现了极其可怕的凶杀场面。The film showed the most horrific murder scenes.

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看到这一可怕情景时,我血管中的血似乎凝固了。The blood in my veins curdled at the horrific sight.

为什么这么可怕的事发生在我身上?Why would something as horrific as this happen to me?

这些动物在最后被送到“方舟”之前全都有过恐怖的际遇。All had horrific existences before ending up at El Arca.

他以「可怕的故态复萌」来形容这次事件。He described this latest incident as a "horrific relapse".

每个种族都有疯子,干些耸人听闻的事情。There are crazy people in every race that do horrific things.

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头向下栽下去的感觉太可怕了。The sensation of falling headfirst through the air was horrific.

其后果对鲸鱼和人类都是同样可怕,他说。The consequences could be horrific for both whale and man, he said.

处理数据可以导致程序以可怕的方式失败。And processing the data can cause the program to fail in horrific ways.

那是如此的恐怖以致于变得异常地凄美。But to some, it can be so horrific that it becomes extremely beautiful.

对脱发的女性而言,脱发是一个悲惨而又可怕的经历。For women the loss of their hair can be a tragic and horrific experience.

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伊雷娜会被士兵们可怕的伤势吓到吗?Would Irène be traumatized by the sight of the soldiers' horrific wounds?

最后我读到了一本关于韦斯特的书,详细地描写了他的可怕罪行。Eventually, I read a book about the Wests, detailing their horrific crimes.

火花低位能力有限,而且没有跳投,罚球线上的表现是灾难级的。He had a limited post game and no jump shot, and horrific from the FT line.

到处都是喝醉了的大学同学们,那时候看起来可真是太糟糕了。There were drunken college kids everywhere. At the time it seemed horrific.

这是一种可怕的死法,也是一个明确的信号,表明她们的境遇极度悲惨,无法忍受。This is a horrific way to die and a clear signal of utter, unbearable misery.

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此后不久,可怕的伤痕开始涌现在他的身上所有。And shortly afterwards, horrific welts started to spring up all over his body.

那代表着一个可怕的损失,不仅是对博派,更是对塞伯坦本身。It represents a horrific loss not only to the Autobots but to Cybertronitself.

越战是一个非常可怕的战役,但是我没有后悔自愿参战。The Vietnam war was a horrific experience, but I never regretted volunteering.