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我们采用碳化硅材料,利用捣打技术恢复一号炉卫燃带。We repair the burner brand with carborundum by the technique of ramming.

凝固之后,样品表面连续用金钢砂或氧化铝磨平。After setting, the surfaces of the specimens are ground down using carborundum and alumina.

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仓库地面采用耐磨金刚砂,耐磨、防尘、防静电。The bonded warehouse is flooring with carborundum which is wearable dustproof and anti-statics.

根据矿物质硬度的Mohs等级,钻石的硬度是10,而金刚砂的硬度是9或者更高。On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, which has diamond as ten, carborundum scores nine or better.

割锯安瓿的砂轮用不同方法消毒,对引入安瓿药液中微粒数差异有显著性。Different methods to disinfect carborundum wheel have significant effect on the partical numbers in ampule.

树脂打磨片、切割片由金刚砂磨料树脂化工等原料加工而成。First, resin grinding tablets, cutting tablets from carborundum abrasive resin from chemical processing of raw materials.

使用者可依据工况境况,选任石墨型和炭化硅等多类材料。User but according to operating mode circumstance, choose black lead model wait for a variety of material with carborundum.

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介绍了碳化硅制品机械成型的操作条件、方法及改进过程和达到的效果。This paper describes the mechanical mold of the carborundum about its operational condition, process. the im- proved process and its effect.

研究了碳化硅颗粒增强ZL201合金复合材料在干摩擦和油润滑摩擦条件下的磨损性能。This paper studies the wearing and tearing function alloy ZL201 enhanced by carborundum grains under both friction of dry and oily lubrications.

强化木地板的耐磨转数直接取决于表层三氧化二铝或碳化硅的用量。The wear-resisting revolution of aggrandizement wood floor depends on directly surface layer 3 oxidation the dosage of 2 aluminium or carborundum.

针对两大类磨料微粉——普通磨料和超硬材料,选择碳化硅和金刚石为例进行分散实验。For the two kinds of abrasive grain—ordinary abrasive and ultra hard material, carborundum and diamond were chosen as samples for dispersing experiment.

本文的试验采用国产铝基碳化硅材料,复制了硅橡胶正交栅,在350℃及其以下的温度环境中试验结果较理想。Aluminium- carborundum is applied in the test. Silastic grating is copied on the te st specimen. The test result is ideal while temperature is not higher than 350 ℃.

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本文叙述了绿碳化硅砂、铸石砂在选矿设备中的应用效果以及热压生产工艺。This paper describes the application results of Carborundum and cast stone in mineral processing equipment as well as the hot pressing technology for producing them.

金属结合金刚石磨块主要用于替代传统氧化镁结合碳化硅磨块对砖坯表面进行粗、中磨。This abrasive tool is used to replace the traditional Magnesia Bonded Carborundum Abrasive Stone for the coarse and middle grinding of the surface of the ceramic tiles.

常说的强化木地板的耐磨转数直接取决于其表层三氧化二铝或碳化硅的用量。The wear-resisting revolution of the aggrandizement wood floor that often says depends on directly its surface layer 3 oxidation the dosage of 2 aluminium or carborundum.

在结实的纸张或优质马尼拉纸上涂上胶及一些磨料如砂、刚砂或金刚砂而成。Abrasion paper Good grade of manila or other strong paper, coated with glue and an abrasive material, such as sand, emery or carborundum. Also called Emerypaper, Sandpaper.

我中心专业生产销售金刚砂耐磨地坪材料,集产品研制生产、规划设计、工程施工于一体。I center specializing in the production of carborundum wearable Floor sales materials, product development and production sets, planning and design, project construction in one.

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结果表明,该复合薄膜的介电常数比纯聚酰亚胺和碳化硅均显著降低,吸水率下降。Test results show that the permittivity of the films is significantly lower than that of pure PI film and nano carborundum powder, meanwhile, the films have lower water absorption.

本厂配套提供三氧化二铝砂洗涤、干燥和筛分设备,并且还适用于20目—400目海砂、石英砂、金刚砂的洗涤、烘焙干燥和筛分之用。Our company also provides Alumina sand cleaning, drying and sifting equipments which are adapted to the cleaning, drying and sifting for 20-400 eye sea sand, quartz sand and carborundum.

采用本发明收集的硅粉中残存的碳化硅少于0.5%体积百分比,砂浆中剩余的硅少于10%体积百分比。The content of the residual carborundum of the collected silicon powder is less than 0.5 volume percent and the content of the residual silicon in the mortar is less than 10 volume percent.