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戴维斯说还发现一个未爆炸的装置。An unexploded device was also recovered, Davis said.

好些未爆弹仍深埋在土里。Unexploded bombs still lie buried deep in the earth.

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随着时间的推移,秘密就像没有爆炸的炸弹。As time passed, the secrecy became like an unexploded bomb.

越南人仍在经受未爆弹和地雷的折磨。Vietnam is still suffering from unexploded bombs and mines.

例如,西庞先生在这一地区发现了一枚未爆炸的炸弹。For example, Mister Sipan found an unexploded bomb in one area.

未燃爆的军火和地雷仍在夺走无数人的生命。Unexploded ordnance and mines continue to take thousands of lives.

老挝的偏远地区还散布着越南战争遗留的未爆地雷。Remote areas of Laos are also littered with unexploded bombs from the Vietnam war.

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2011年3月8日,在拉斯拉纳夫镇的一次空袭过后,人们看着一枚没有爆炸的炸弹。Men look at an unexploded shell after an air strike in the eastern city of Ras Lanuf March 8, 2011.

但在未来的几十年里,他们国家中成千上万未被引爆的地雷将会继续摧残生命。But the millions of unexploded land mines in their country will go on shattering lives for decades to come.

一九四○年,德国大举空袭伦敦期间,英国一名警察在繁忙的街道上,看见一枚未爆炸的巨型炸弹。In 1940, at the height of the Blitz, a British police officer found in a busy street a huge unexploded bomb.

现代战场上子母弹、撒布地雷等撒布弹药的大量使用,带来了严重的未爆弹药问题。With cargo projectile being attached importance to by the world, serious problem of unexploded ordnance has arisen.

在巴士拉,红十字会人员正积极向学生教导有关地雷和未燃军火的知识。In Basrah, Red Cross instructor was conducting mine and unexploded ordnance awareness activities with schoolchildren.

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一次,突击搜查一家仓库,詹姆斯发现了一具小男孩的尸体,这个孩子的身体里被植入了一颗尚未引爆的炸弹。During a raid on a warehouse, James discovers the dead body of a young boy who has been surgically implanted with an unexploded bomb.

之前众说纷纭,其中包括舰艇意外撞到韩战遗留下来的未爆水雷。A number of earlier explanations for the sinking included an accidental collision with an unexploded sea mine left over from the Korean War.

MMPV也将被爆炸军械处理队用于压制临时爆炸设备、地雷和其他未爆炸武器。MMPVs will also be used by Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams to neutralize Improvised Explosive Devices, mines and other unexploded ordnance.

黎南部村庄主要收入来源靠橄榄和蔬菜,而以色列在撤军后大面积留下的大量未爆炸的集束炸弹给黎南部居民返乡的安全带来严重隐患。The unexploded munitions continue to pose a deadly threat to the safety of Lebanese civilians retuning to their bombed-out homes in the south.

不过找到未爆炸军火的数量,预估不到百分之一,如今都还留在寮国境内。But the number of unexploded ordnances found and exploded is less than one percent of the estimated unexploded submunitions left in Laos today.

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为了拆除二战期间英军遗留下来的一枚未引爆的炸弹,六千余名当地居民被迫撤离位于巴黎郊区的家园。Six thousand people had to be moved from their homes in a suburb of Paris so that an unexploded Second World War British bomb could be defused.

无须在烈日酷暑之下大练球技,现在只需下载爆爆堂,就可以在家中轻松切磋。There is no need for the training under the scorching sun heat game, just download unexploded explosive appear, you can easily learn from at home.

不过,美国支持在那些极其迫切地需要排雷的国家探测并清除地雷和未爆炸弹药。However, the United States does support finding and clearing those mines and unexploded ordnance that address a nation’s most pressing needs first.