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你们可以离开公司。Vous pouvez quitter. You can quit.

做一个个“终结者”,让你的生活越来越好。Improve your life by being a "quitter" now.

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他做事总是虎头蛇尾的,以至于今天受到了老板的责骂。He was always such a quitter as to scolded by his boos today.

任何时候都不要轻易放弃,即使遇到了艰难险阻。Don't be a quitter at any time, even in face of immense difficulties.

不论我的脸上表现出的失败有多么严重都不要成为懦夫。And not be a quitter no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on my face.

回到美国,试着上大学,但上了半个学期就跟个没能耐的人一样退学了。Came back to America and tried college for half a semester, but quit like a quitter.

真糟糕,我们竟然打不过没有姚明,没有麦迪的火箭队。我的脑袋都快爆炸了。Oops. No quitter and yet we can't make a run against the Yaoless, Macless Rockets. My mind is blown.

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艰苦的目标对于轻易放弃的人太困难了,因此,通常,轻言放弃的人倾向于那些他们可以轻易达到的目标。Strenuous goals are too difficult for the quitter to achieve. So, in general, quitters tend to aim for what comes easily to them.

研究发现当你心情沮丧时或者压力大时,你就不怎么想成功的戒烟。Studies find that you're less likely to be a successful quitter if you quit when you're depressed or under a great deal of stress.

我的母亲虽然已经离开这个世界,但是她的形象常浮现在我的脑海里,在破晓前提醒我黎明即将到来。My mother, dead now to this world but still roaming free in my mind, wakes me some mornings before daybreak. "If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a quitter."

根据“患病后戒酒”的假设,一些因病而戒酒的禁酒者可能有某些宿疾,这可以解释其相对于适量饮酒者而出现的高风险。According to the "sick quitter" hypothesis, some abstainers who quit drinking due to illness may have pre-existing disease that could explain their higher risk relative to moderate drinkers.

事实上如果他竭尽全力达到他的最大日生产量,他将遭到其他同伴的指责,其强烈程度更胜于在运动场上被说成是“轻易放弃的人”。And in fact if he were to do his best to turn out his largest possible day's work, he would be abused by his fellow-workers for so doing, even more than if he had proved himself a "quitter" in sport.