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大蒜素可以降低某些肿瘤的患病率。Allicin could restrain incidence of some cancer cells.

本文报道了一种大蒜素的测量方法。A measuring method of allicin is reported in this paper.

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就大蒜素的临床应用进展作一综述。The advance in clinical application of allicin is reviewed.

蒜素分解了,大蒜也就失去了抗菌作用。The garlic lost its antibacterial action as allicin broke down.

大蒜素提取物对白色念珠菌生长有张力抑制作用。Allicin has strong inhibition against the growth of C. albicans.

测定蒜油中大蒜素含量的方法。To establish an HPLC method for determination of allicin in garlic oil.

探讨大蒜素对白色念珠菌生长的抑制作用。Inhibition of allicin against Candida albicans in vitro was investigated.

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你要把大蒜压碎、切碎或捣碎来释放出其中的蒜素。You need to crush, chop, or otherwise bruise the cloves to release the allicin.

蒜素是一种提供大蒜保健作用达最大程度的复合物。Allicin is the compound providing the largest range of garlic's health benefits.

同时,对影响大蒜素作用的因素和机理进行了分析。Mean while, it analyzes the effective factors of producing of Allicin in Garlic.

含大量蒜素、化物等对人体有益的成分。Contains large amounts of allicin and sulphur, both of which are beneficial to health.

大蒜素对血小板聚集抑制率具有血浆浓度依赖性。The platelet aggregation inhibited by allicin depended on the concentration of plasma.

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大蒜具有的这些功效和大蒜中的大蒜素有关。All the effects of the garlic have some thing to do with the allantolin allicin in the garlic.

但鲜蒜中大蒜素是以稳定无臭的大蒜氨酸的形式存在。But allicin of fresh garlic is the existence of garlic aminoacid that is stabilization and smell less.

大蒜丁香没有蒜素,不过当大蒜剁得很碎或压得很碎时才有蒜素。Allicin also does not occur in garlic cloves, but is produced when garlic is finely chopped or crushed.

本发明涉及一种壳聚糖固定化蒜氨酸酶及制备大蒜素方法。The invention relates to a chitosan-immobilized allinase and a method for preparing allantolin allicin.

目的研究大蒜素对鼻咽癌CNE-2Z细胞增殖及端粒酶活性的影响。Objective To study the effect on proliferation and telomerase activity of CNE-2Z cells treated by allicin.

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大蒜素还能激活巨噬细胞的吞噬能力,增强人体免疫功能,预防癌症的发生。Allicin can also activate macrophages' phagocytosis, enhance the immune function of human body so as to prevent cancer.

然而,据信被分解后的蒜素仍有一些抗癌和抗血栓的作用。However, allicin broke down into materials that still are believed to have some anticancer and anti-blood clot effects.

在这项新研究中,有贺丰彦和他的同事们指出,蒜素是大蒜中主要起作用的成分之一。In the new study, Toyohiko Ariga and colleagues point out that allicin is one of the main active ingredients in garlic.