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可把大衣扔在任何地方。Bung your coat anywhere.

叫他俯卧着。Tell him to bung upwards.

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我想插句话。I would like to bung in a word.

许多商号在这场经济恐慌中破产了。Many firms went bung in the panic.

把你的手指从炮筒里拿开!Get your finger out of that bung hole!

填些旧砖就可以补上这个洞。Just bung in some old bricks to fill up the hole.

就把它扔进机器里,看看会发生什么。Just bung it in the machine and see what happens.

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我不知道是谁打了电话给我,等我去接时,又挂掉了。I wonder who called me then bung up when I answered.

我不知道是谁打了电话给卧冬等我往接时,又挂掉了。I wonder who cal led me then bung up when I answered.

他的“乡下房子”原来是一座大平房。His country cottage turned out to be an enormous bung alow.

我用一些纸极力把天花板的洞塞住。I managed to bung up the hole in the ceiling with some paper.

我们的所谓海滨别墅是离海岸两英里的一座小平房。Our , so-called 'villa by the sea was a small bung alow two miles from the coast.

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用水填装气密室以保证空气流通。Attach the bung and the airlock, making sure to fill the airlock halfway with water.

假期对汤姆来说真是难熬,因为他的朋友都野营去了。The vacation time bung heavy on Tom's hands because all his friends were away at camp.

然而就像撒切尔主义通常会有的表现,私营经济的背后有公有经济的身影。But, as so often with Thatcherism, behind the private sector promise lay a public sector bung.

哈利该交些新的女朋友了,但我怕他仍然迷恋着他的前妻。It's about time Harry made some new women friends, but I'm afraid he's still bung up on his ex- wife.

去除桶盖和气密室并且增加停止发酵的物质来加快定性。Remove the bung and airlock and add whatever you are using to stop fermentation and to encourage settling.

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如今,没有哪家公司可以对自己的产品不管不顾,造出来,扔出去,然后忘得一干二净。No company regardless of what they make can nowadays just make a product, bung it out there and forget about it.

不过,格拉汉姆被发现在一系列球员交易中从经纪人茹恩-豪格处非法获利,于1995年被解职。Graham was unfortunately sacked in 1995, after having been found guilty of taking bung payments from agent Rune Hauge in exchange for signing certain players.

福斯佛代斯氏病是一个罕见的皮肤疾患,临床症状是在年轻妇女顶浆腺聚集区域发生具有痒感的多颗肤色小丘疹。Fox-Fordyce disease is a rare, pruritic disorder characterized by multiple flesh-colored follicular papules, usually affecting the apocrine gland-bearing areas of bung women.