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他作环球航行。He sailed round the globe.

不过这将消耗一个水球。This expends one water globe.

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这个油灯需配个新的灯罩。The oil-lamp needs a new globe.

爱一滴水就是爱全世界。Loving a glob is loving a globe.

这是地球的哪一部份?Which part of the globe is this ?

我有一个有熊在里面的大玻璃球。I have a big globe with bears in it.

我有一个里面有熊的大雪球。I have a big globe with a bear in it.

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我们在地理课上使用地球仪。We use a globe in our geography class.

你能给我们介绍一下环球剧院吗?Can you tell us about the Globe Theatre?

我有一个里面有熊的大水晶球。I have a big snow globe with bears in it.

我们向全球发射无线电波。We directed radio waves around the globe.

不要在商标图案里用标志性语言。Do not use any "swoosh" or "globe"symbols.

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平托的这种能力通常被称做“眼球脱臼”。Pinto's ability is called "globe luxation.

英国语言全球通用。The language of England girdles the globe.

英语是现在通行全球的语言。The language of England girdles the globe.

在地球上,水比陆地占的…We have more water than land on the globe.

在地球上,水比陆地占的面积大。We have more water than land on the globe.

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一盏没灯罩的煤气灯照亮了这间房间。A gas-jet without a globe lit up the place.

一只小小的煤气喷嘴就照亮了如此可怜的一个角落。A gas-jet without a globe lit up the place.

眼球破裂属于眼科急症。Globe rupture is an ophthalmologic emergency.