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这就是悖论所在。This is the paradox.

而那是自相矛盾。And that's the paradox.

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悖论不断深入。The paradox goes deeper.

这产生一个悖论。This presents a paradox.

如何解释这种矛盾?How to reconcile this paradox?

又或者,这是个信仰的悖论吗?Or is this a paradox of faith?

霍布斯能解释这个悖论吗?Can Hobbes explain this paradox?

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日本在亚洲是一大反例。Japan is the big paradox in Asia.

死或生——这矛盾是真实的。Die to live – the paradox is true.

阅读是一种驳论。Reading is something of a paradox.

生长在现代中国的于丹看似是一个矛盾体。Yu Dan is a modern Chinese paradox.

所以我们现在解决了这个悖论。Sowe have now resolved this paradox.

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唯一的特例是吉芬悖论。"More haste, less speed"is a paradox.

克鲁斯博士道出了一个自相矛盾的现象。Dr. Cruse said that creates a paradox.

唯一的特例是吉芬悖论。The only exception is Giffen's paradox.

这是关于种子的令人着迷的悖论。This is the beguiling paradox of seeds.

这个驳论基于两个方面。There are two foundations of this paradox.

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这是暗含的悖论。That's the case of a paradox of entailment.

这个想法在费米悖论中有所体现。This idea is embodied in the Fermi Paradox.

阿罗悖论是经济理论界的哥德尔定理。Arrow paradox is the economics Godel theorem.