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或者它更像台球?Or is it more like billiards?

我要和你打台球。I'll take you on at billiards.

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作连着双球的一击。To make a carom, as in billiards.

在弹子戏中,琼斯不费吹灰之力赢了。Jones simply walked over at billiards.

打台球时,我把他打得大北。I gave him a good licking at billiards.

或者不过是一项类似于桌球的技巧游戏?not just a game of skill like billiards?

一个台球撞击另一个台球。One billiards ball impinged on another one.

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在台球中用球杆垂直撞击母球的动作。A piece of wood used to steady the cue in billiards.

他喜欢下棋,打桌球He loved to play chess and he loved to play billiards.

擅长台球,是青春虚度的标志。To play billiards well was a sign of an ill-spent youth.

打弹子球我赢了迪克,因为他让了我很多。I beat Dick in billiards because he gave me tremendous odds.

我们很高兴能够代表布伦瑞克桌球在我们的国家。We are proud to represent Brunswick Billiards in our country.

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玩个彩带游戏吧,我最爱彩带球。Play a game of strip anything, my favorite is strip billiards.

打台球是一项年轻人喜爱的活动。Playing billiards was another favorite pastime for young people.

游戏室以大型台球桌为中心,它是一个永恒的豪华空间。Centered on a massive billiards table, it's a timeless luxury space.

台球房,弹子房,桌球房供玩台球或桌球的商业性。A commercial establishment or room for the playing of pool or billiards.

反而这确实是美式台球民众化、推广化的可取之处。But this is American billiards popularization, the universalization attractions.

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我们还有一个桌球室、一个保龄球馆和一个室内游泳池。We still have the billiards room, bowling center, and indoor swimming pool as well.

我当时正在去米奇台球馆的路上,我要去那里炸掉几个冒着蒸汽的水球场和弹珠台。I was on my way to Mickey's Billiards to blow off some steam playing pool and pinball.

尝试在门球,台球,射箭,或用在棋牌室一晚的技能。Try your skill at croquet, billiards and archery or spend an evening in the Card Room.