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但政府拒绝作出让步。The government refused to budge.

谁也挪不动那个很重的箱子。No one could budge the heavy box.

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他们推不动那个沉重的钟。They couldn't budge the heavy bell.

他们推不动那个沉重的钟。They couldn't budge the heavy bell.

但是领队拉着绳走时,却牵不动小黑子。But when he pulled, he could not budge him!

她踩油门,但汽车开不动。She stepped on the gas but the car didn't budge.

此问题上,不要指望大老党能有一点让步。On this matter, don't expect the GOP to budge much.

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弗农姨父敲了几下玻璃,但是那蛇动也不动一下。Uncle Vernon tapped on the glass, but the snake didn't budge.

一旦总统做了决定,没人能使他改变决定。Once the president had made a decision, no one could budge him.

“安全部队甚至不能对此地区作出估计”,他说。"The security forces cannot even budge in this area, " he said.

Bellick抓住警卫室的门往外拉,但门根本纹丝不动。Bellick grabs the door to the guards’ room but it doesn’t budge.

毫无疑问,没有接受建议的人们习惯依旧。Not surprisingly, the habits of the non-recipients didn't budge.

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南泰恩河区郡议会就像谚语中的驴子一样,固执不会让步。South Tyneside Council, like the proverbial donkey, won't budge.

安娜贝利想试着打开麦丽金太太办公室的门,可就是打不开。Annabel tried opening Mrs. McKinley’s door but it wouldn’t budge.

即使塞维林被抨击,但他拒绝做出让步。Mr Severin has been booed in parliament. But he is refusing to budge.

但据李淑媛称,市政府和运营商拒绝做出进一步让步。But both the government and operator refuse , she says, to budge further.

唐·科里昂转过身去。这是一个不同意的表示。但是伯纳塞拉没有让步。Don Corleone turned his back. It was a dismissal. Bonasera did not budge.

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由于青和他的女友拒绝搬出去,60天来,双方陷入了僵局。For 60 days there was stalemate as Qing and his girlfriend refused to budge.

泰勒打算以折中方式解决银行问题,但克雷丝毫不予让步。Tyler was ready to compromise on the banking question, but Clay would not budge.

他甚至去踢金块,但是金块仍然纹丝不动。He even tried kicking the huge lump of gold. But again it wouldn’t budge an inch!