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我想股价会上涨。I guess the share price will goup.

是的,八月时气温能上升到35度甚至更高。Yes, in August the temperature can goup to 35 degrees and over.

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流动性溢价将上升,很可能会带动我们的资产收益率上升。Theliquidity premium should riseandour return on assets will probably goup.

这家私人组织致力于帮助儿童获得能够使他们成功的服务。The private goup aims to help children receive services they need to succeed.

周四,世界上最发达最富裕的经济体的领导者在伦敦会面。Leaders of the world world's largest rich and developing economies next Thurday met Thursday in London-the Goup.

一个群体中,伴随着正式组织的存在,往往同时会有各种各样非正式组织的存在。Along with the existence of a formal organization, a goup always has all kinds of informal organizations existing.

成立于1992年,由中国电子科技集团第三八研究所全资创办。Ltd was established in 1992, which was invested by NO. 38 Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Goup Corp.

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当走进小村舍时,你会看到载着食物和其它必需品的驴在山间走向小村舍。While walking towards the cottage you will find donkeys goup and down the mountain carrying food and other necessary materials to the cottage.

目前已有的组密钥管理协议主要包括组密钥分配协议和组密钥协商协议,总体来说,他们各有优缺点,适用于不同的情况。At present, group key management mainly divided into goup key distribution and group key agreement, both of them have their own character and can be used in different applications.

结果实验模型组上颌骨长度和宽度较正常对照组存在生长发育不足的现象。Results The animal model in our study has similar deformity characteristics as cleft lip patients, and the maxillary growth of animal experiment Goup were more defect than control Group.