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本杰里给我的巧克力软糖布朗尼任何一天。Give me Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie any day.

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这可不会让你在这个屋檐下加多少印象分。That won't earn you many brownie points under this roof.

这是瞬间提高你的考绩点数的目标!!This is one goal that will get you brownie points in a hurry!!

这款特制布朗尼是由新泽西州亚特兰大城推出的。The Brownie Extraordinaire is sold in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

摄影从乔治伊士曼开始已经经过了很长一段时间。Picture-taking has come a long way from George Eastman's Brownie camera.

如果我可以做Nerdock,可以舔核仁巧克力饼的小勺子,其他事情可以先放在一旁。If I can be Nerdock and lick the brownie spoon, the other stuff can wait.

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所以,按时交稿或提前交稿,你可以赢得更多甜头。So, by delivering on time or early, you can score some major " brownie points".

布朗尼的主人特德被这只暴怒的、不依不饶的小狗骚扰个不停。Ted, Brownie 's owner, was steadily harassed by the furious, adamant little dog.

牛顿在12岁时收到了一个布朗尼方盒照相机,那时他就想成为一名摄影师。From the age of 12 when he was given a Box Brownie he wanted to be a photographer.

19世纪20年代,一批个头小、价格便宜,类似柯达布朗尼的相机问世。In the 1920s, small, inexpensive fast-shutter cameras like the Kodak Brownie appeared.

在那里,特德发现他心爱的布朗尼还活着,一条后腿被一个钢制捕捉器夹着。There Ted found his beloved Brownie alive, one of his hind legs crushed in a steel leghold trap.

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她一口也没吃圣代冰激凌,冰激凌早就化了。She hasn’t taken a single bite of her brownie sundae and all of the ice cream has already melted.

在他面前的镶金的盘子上放着的白碗里是一份12美元的布朗尼圣代。His twelve-dollar brownie sundae was placed before him in a white bowl set on a gold-rimmed plate.

可口浓郁的巧克力布朗尼盖满著新鲜水果是你最完美的句点。Deliciously rich chocolate brownie covered with fresh fruits. Perfect way to finish off your dining experience!

一些卖者是热衷尝试的业余艺术家,来是为了赚到吹嘘巧克力饼的权力和一点点零用钱。Some of the vendors were amateurs there on a lark, to earn brownie bragging rights and a little spending money.

当你正想把一盒特浓果仁巧克力丢入购物车的时候,是否有一种强烈的悔疚感呢?Ever get the guilty feeling that you\'re being watched as you toss the double fudge brownie mix into your grocery cart?

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巧克力松糕和菠萝芝士蛋糕都有一个临界值,因为这些值受到了符号约束的限制。The brownie and pineapple cheesecake have a marginal value, because their value is at the limit of their sign constraints.

斯波蒂一直定时来看望布朗尼,一心一意要让它的朋友活下去,吃苦受累在所不惜。Spotty had been visiting Brownie regularly, in a singleminded quest to keep his friend alive by sacrificing his own comfort.

在您有机会得到核仁巧克力饼之前,就跟研究者谈论有压力的会议,或者打电话给朋友或者配偶。Before you have a chance to reach for the brownie , talk to a coworker about the stressful meeting or call a friend or spouse.