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但是萨满是兽人才有的习俗!But shamanism is an orcish practice!

使用它上的钥匙和获得有点逆戟鲸的乾食品。Use the key on it and obtain the Orcish Dried Food.

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乌瑟尔在加尔达伦被兽人的舰队伏击。Uther is ambushed by an orcish fleet at Caer Darrow.

祖先的崇拜之物已经深深的植根语兽人的宗教之中。Ancestral worship has long been at the heart of Orcish religion.

兽人的追捕军队已经发现并摧毁了一个营地。Orcish hunting parties had already discovered one camp and wiped it out.

玩家应该搜索兽人的制服从而进行伪装。Instead players can search for orcish uniforms to disguise themselves with.

部落很快分成了派系,每方都为了私欲设法控制更多兽人领地。Soon factions arose, each seeking to control the Orcish domain for themselves.

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兽人的影月城堡与耐奥祖的神秘圣所被摧毁。The Orcish Fortress of Shadowmoon and Ner'Zhul's Mystic Sanctum are destroyed.

食人魔说下等通用语。一些更聪明的会说通用语和兽人语。Ogres speak Low Common. Some of the more intelligent ones may speak Common or Orcish.

你只能在半兽人屯垦民进行攻击且未被阻挡时使用此异能,并且每回合只能使用一次。Use this ability only if Orcish Squatters is attacking and unblocked and only once each turn.

整个兽人部落中最恐怖、最令人敬畏、最可憎的人们围着圆桌坐着。They sat around the table, the most feared, revered, and loathed among the entire orcish clans.

他们和部落也没有什么往来,因为他们始终记得第二次战争中兽人的入侵。They do not have dealings with the Horde, as they still remember the orcish invasion during the Second War.

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尽管如此,在地狱般的德拉诺德世界,一支新的兽人部队已经准备好要再次血洗毫无防备的人类联盟。However, on the hellish world of Draenor, a new orcish army prepared to strike at the unsuspecting Alliance.

现在,经历了数周惊涛骇浪中的航行,兽人部落在卡里姆多一处荒蛮的海岸边登陆。Now, after weeks of traversing the raging seas, the orcish Horde has landed upon the savage shores of Kalimdor.

咳咳…关于比蒙,开发组之间都有争议到底是选比蒙还是独眼做七级兵…显然的。最后是独眼赢了。There was a debate between developers about the choice of the level 7 orcish unit. The Cyclops won over the Behemoth.

来自银月城的神秘精灵们已经向南方派遣一个弓箭手先遣队去评估兽人可能对他们带来的威胁。The mysterious Elves of Silvermoon have sent a contingent of Archers south to survey the supposed Orcish threat for themselves.

四个身穿奇光四射盔甲,带着精美异国兵器的兽人武士跨坐在货物中央。Riding amidst its cargo was a group of four Orcish warriors, equipped with strange, shining armor and beautifully exotic weaponry.

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从沼泽和湿地中崛起的兽人部落,履行了这个命运----横扫这片领土。Having risen from the mire of swamps and marshes, the Orcish hordes have swept across this domain in the fulfillment of that destiny.

他带领着一些暗夜精灵和树人们对抗着大批的兽人入侵者。He called an army of treants out of the forests and he led the night elves and the treants against a large group of the orcish intruders.

在兽人的屠刀下幸存的人都被带到了东边腐烂的沼泽中,在那里兽人建立了他们的营地。The only humans who do not fall to the Orcish blade are those who are taken to the swamps that have festered in the east, where the Orcs have made their encampments.